Welcome to the Hub of Arden's Web site

© 1998—2006 by Arden Schaeffer, 1932—2012?, author & webster; mailto:arden@nola.house.name
Edition of 2006.02.23 - hour 21:57:14 at  at URL  http://users.lmi.net/arden/en/hub.html

This site is dedicated to the memory of John P. McClimans, 1947-1996, who in CE 1988 lent me an Osborne I CP/M box on which i ran WordStar so that i could more easily write and publish the dictionary of metaphysics on which i had been working.

The pages have been mounted with the help of, and thanks to, the following, listed here in alphabetical order by first name:

  • Dan Meriwether
  • George Woolley
  • Greg Yahna
  • Michael McMillan, a.k.a. Bigoot the Yeti
  • Rick Eisner
Links to local pages

informatics, including computer hardware and software
idioms, Languages, Linguistics, Philology
reference, general
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