Alan K. Lipton
Fictioneer, Script Writer, Content Developer
voice: 510.528.4960

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Sample Daily Horoscopes from

text by Alan K. Lipton

© 1997 - 1999 by, an iVillage channel. Used by permission as portfolio material.

The following horoscopes are a random sampling. Although not from the same day, they all reflect the common astrological condition of the Moon in Scorpio.

You feel intense and daring, but you have no time to talk about it. There are battles to be fought in your private world. If any of them involve public life, check the legalities of your would-be heroics.

Those hungry for recognition say that there is no such thing as bad publicity. Perhaps there are certain things you'd rather not have on your permanent record. Small acts might suddenly take on cinematic dimensions.

If you are uncomfortable in your own body, it may affect your level of patience with others. Something in your environment is changing too fast for you to handle. Relax through laughter and start over.

The Scorpio Moon continues to motivate you with bounce and sparkle. All you have to do is show up, and some kind of beneficial change happens. Children and animals clamor for your attention.

It's hard to trust someone who claims to be teaching you a lesson "for your own good." A self-serving individual should be exposed and asked to leave. Focus on healing divisions instead of creating more.

When you go off to another world, bring back some rocks as proof that you've been there. The opinions of others really matter today. Be sure you hear them before picking their words apart.

Invest cautiously today, if at all. Be subtle in your cultivation of business and social connections. The sexiest people are often the ones who know how to listen.

The vast energies of Pluto and Mars are softened as the Moon pays a visit to Scorpio's house. Chase out the dark things that have been lurking in corners. This is a day to be bold and bright. Make your mark upon the world.

The current and wind carry you where they will. Sometimes it can be comforting to let events sweep you along. Throw out your anchor when you've had enough. You are not helpless. You're just resting.

Your impressive inventory of facts allows you to make a significant decision. A modern architect resorts to the ancient science of geomancy. Try to act surprised if your co-workers offer to buy you lunch.

Your natural talents are being wasted in your purely professional use of them. This is a fine time to experiment in some new medium. If you can't find support from others, take the plunge and go it alone.

Spiritual epiphany garbles your words at the wrong moment. A blunder is mistaken for a stroke of genius. Your day goes much better than planned.

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