Title:  Defining Visual Representation as a Creative and Interactive Modality


Author:  Amy Ione, PO Box 12748. Berkeley, California 94712-3748

Email:  ione@lmi.net / URL:  http://users.Lmi.net/ione



Images are everywhere today and when we look at them closely it quickly becomes clear that the technological innovations of the twentieth century have allowed us to see formerly unavailable information. One compelling aspect of this, and my primary area of concern in this paper, is that while artists have pierced through surfaces and created dynamic pictures of the brain working, scientific imaging technologies have generated images that have revolutionized our understanding of our minds. This paper discusses these new ways of 'seeing' the world and ourselves, defining visual representation as a creative and interactive modality.



In R. Paton & I. Neilson (Eds.), Visual Representations and Interpretations (1999). London: Verlag-Springer Publishing Co.. Presented at Visual Representations and Interpretations’98. 22nd - 24th of September, 1998, The Foresight Centre, University of Liverpool, London, UK