kyra rice

Another Black Man Killed

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Project Description: Site specific Installation, in collaboration with Layli Phillips, dedicated to Black and brown people who's murders were a result of the criminal justice system that protects a status quo based in racism. Printed images of men, women and youth with a brief description of the circumstances they lived and died, used as wall paper. String connects each individual represented to the area where they lost their lives on a map, drawn with green tape, on the opposite wall.

Only 3 months after this exhibition Sean Bell, on the morning of his wedding day, was shot and killed by a team of undercover NYPD officers.

Materials/Dimensions: 25' x 16' room. Green electrical tape, green erasure and erasure dust, nylon twine, stainless steal screws, paper, wall paper paste, speakers with soundtrack.

San Francisco Art Institute, 3rd Street, San Francisco, CA