Sequoia and Savio have been wonderful siblings. Sequoia has been impressively kind, patient, and generous even when Savio is in one of his most “developmentally appropriate” terrible-two moods. But of course Sequoia emphasizes to her little brother on occasion that he is not the center of the universe and cannot play with her handbags and accessories or mutilate her artwork whenever he feels like it.
For his part, Savio has increasingly appreciated Sequoia’s attention and affection. Though he is perhaps more serious by nature, it’s not uncommon to see him start singing, dancing, and laughing with the enthusiasm and energy he sees exhibited by his older sister. And there is little question that Savio has picked up much of his verbal skill from her and her love for books. Just as Sequoia did, he has loved his Music Together classes and his daycare, and in a few months he will be starting at Sequoia’s former preschool. But it is clear that he also has his own interests, including broccoli, tractors, towers, puddles, balls, and holding sardines for long periods in his hand.