In the garden of Herbal Evil
The wounded man plants the bitter root of
Deadly Nightshade has round black stalks

Bannish Deadly Nightshade where women and child resort as they long and lust
after things most filthy
Deadly Nightshade germinates
the Myth that

Paleolithic figurines continued to be protrayed with enormous
Deadly Nightshade brings madness
a torture that became an erotic stimuli for Chinese men
Deadly Nightshade is a medicine for binding
The deformations of the feet resulting from footbinding. Deprived
of their freedom of movement, Chinese women were bound to their homes

Deadly Nightshade causes sleep and troubles the mind

Muslim girls in San Francisco kept out of school to be protected
from "bad" influences.
photo Brant Ward/San Francisco Chronicle
Deadly Nightshade can cause death if humors are sharp

Deadly Nightshade can give inward affliction
Should women
wear the pants...go to college...go to war...go to the a cop...
be equal
Photograph Steve Northup. NewYork Times Magazine
Destroying myths