Planting the blessed herb
to bind with Tormentil that inclines the minds of men to inordinate passion
in the Blissful Garden of Herbal Good
Chastetree chastens men's fears of control of lust
Douglas Krout, convicted molester, was captured after 100 MPH
chase. The girl, 11, returns after he threatened to "blow the her brains
out" if she told what he did..
Nail Fetish
Mirrordeflects malign influences and incubates herbal cure.
If you strew the leaves and flowers under the bed, you will have in sleep
peace from wicked, unchaste dreams peace. The herb will do away with the
ache of a man's head that is engendered by wicked humors.
Preparation of a medical potion derived from certain herbs.
Illuminated page: Hippocrates: De Diversis Herbis - 13 th century
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