Muscular and otherwise masculine
women produce weakling males. Arabella Kenealy Feminism and Sexual Extinction,
New York 1920
Only those perfect in body and mind
should mate. If they sleep together before such
perfection, the body will be destroyed.
The Handbook of all Knowledge . . .which it is necessary for the man
of all ages to know.
Berlin 1835
In 1920
the Reverend F.B. Meyer cautioned against sexual intercourse during pregnancy
fearing it would transmit depraved lust to the unborn child.
-In Control of Parenthood
Women's physiology is effected by
every copulation as it leaves its imprint. A second
husband's child could bear resemblance to the first husband,
-Dr. Bernard Talmy Love: A Treatise on the Science of Sex-Attraction
2nd Rev. ed. New York 1916
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