Apes are not naughty by nature

Heirarchy is established according to best friendships and alliances
-David Berreby, photo: Ann States/Saba New York Times

Katherine Graham
HarryNaltchayal WashingtonPost
PersonalHistory Knoff1997
(left)Lizzie Himmel
(details of photographs))
Graham's wealthy father gave her husband a majority of shares of stock
in The Washington Post. He said that no man should be in a position of
working for his wife. "I not only concurred but was in complete accord.
I adopted the assumption of many of my generation that women were intellectually
inferior to men. . . most of us became somehow inferior" with an exaggerated
desire to please.
-San Francisco Examiner Magazine 3/2/97

Challenge to age-old tribal custom that uses women to pay obligations

The compensation demand for the killing of a clan leader followed a complex
tribal calculus: $15,000, 25 pigs and 18-year-old Miriam Wilngal .
Bartered Papua Bride Opts Out New York Times 5/7/97
She wants to be a typist and have her own money.
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