Biologists proved that sperma of the male actually enters into the veinal circulation of the woman.
-Huneker, J.G.1920 Painted Veils . Introduction 1964 by Van Wyck Brooks

The sex starved woman can take capsules of glandular extracts to control personal pollution causing hysteria. Seminal fluid is recommended for female adolescent anorexia.
-Marie Carmichael Stopes 1931 Rev. ed. New York Married Love: A New Contribution to the Solution of Sex Difficulties

Dr. Brown-Sequard in 1875 transplanted testes of young guinea pigs into old ones for regaining new vigor. In 1889 he gave himself six subcutaneous injections of ground up testicles of dogs and remarked on his heightened energy.

C.J. Dana, a neurologist in 1880, invented a copper strap and battery to re-energyze man's nervous system. With warnings against too frequent coitus, the Heidleberg Belt was marketed by Sears and Roebuck Co.

A child needs every particle of his material forces to build up and strengthen his growing body.
-The Science of Sex Regeneration, 1911, 10 th edition, A. Gould, Dr. Franklin L. Dubois

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