our neighborhood

Anti-Blight Projects

Having blight problems on or near your block?

Talk to your neighbors about starting an anti-blight project on your block. After you solve the problem you can disband, or if you want continue as a DIA working group and help solve blight problems in other areas of Dimond, send an email to dia@dimondnews.org

Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

If you can't clean it up before the next quarterly update of the Interdepartmental list, which will be in the fall, you have the option of adding your problem to the list.

Councilmember Dick Spees has assembled an interdepartmental team of staff members from half a dozen City departments. The purpose of this team is to expedite the City's responses to problems in Dimond, Laurel, Redwood Heights and other nearby neighborhoods.

To see the current list Click here

To add items to the interdepartmental list contact:

Niccolo De Luca
Assistant to Councilmember Spees
(510) 238-7042
Fax (510)238-6129

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