Dear Neighbors,

As you are all probably aware, Caltrans put out a press release indicating that the agency has neither plans nor resources to conduct the study on trucks on Interstate 580 . The announcement is a positive one, as it means that the work that you, the community, put in collecting signatures, sending post-cards, and enlisting the support of elected officials was worthwhile.

However, Assemblywoman Bock feels that until Caltrans guarantees that the issue will not come up again, she will proceed as planned and continue to hold the community meeting scheduled for the July 29, at 6 p.m., in the State Building Auditorium, 1515 Clay Street, Oakland. Councilmember Spees has seconded the Assemblywoman.

The Assemblywoman sent out an invitation to more than 18,000 households who live along the 580 corridor to attend the meeting on the 29th. I can bring more invitations to those of you who would like to distribute them in your neighborhood groups, along shopping areas or in community centers.

I can be reached at

Please feel free to leave a message and a place where I can take the invitations.

Once again, I congratulate you and your exemplary organizing efforts and look forward to seeing you on the 29th.

Claudia Castro
Field Representative
Assemblywoman Audie Bock

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