Dimond Message Board
Marilyn Miller
As you see below I am campaigning for Audie Bock. I met her for the 1st time at our neighborhood Dimond Improvement Association meeting on the Keep Trucks Off 580 issue. The 2nd time was a couple of weeks ago, again a DIA meeting, presenting her case for re-election. She's a rare bird in the legislature--I think the last time a non-Demo/Repub held office in Sacramento was 1914. I like her passion, her priorities and her "chutzpah" and want her to keep on rockin' the ol' boat! So in addition to putting in some hours at her Lake Shore office I thought...ahhh! an e-mail campaign!
I hope you will consider her contribution to our district and offer support too, especially #1 in the how you can help section below.
Audie Bock represents the 16th Assembly district of Oakland, Alameda and Piedmont. She's accomplished a LOT in the past year and a half, authoring 15 bills, all of which passed through policy committee, which meant they all had bi-partisan support.
Audie Bock is on this November ballot as an Independent, having been elected a year and a half ago as a Green. Finances and timing motivated the change. According to Audie, being an outsider to the Democrat and Republican caucuses, offered MORE mobility in crafting legislation and gaining bi-partisan support for issues pertinent to the people of our district. That, in itself, is a major contribution of Independent or 3rd party candidates in opening up our two party system!
Audie Bock Re-election office
3333 Lakeshore Av., Oakland 94610
phone: 208-4524
e-mail: info@audiebock.org
websites: www.AudieBock.org