
Dimond Message Board

Ann Hutcheson-Wilcox


  1. Who: YOU can help get a crossing guard by contacting the City Council and School Board.

  2. What: Tell the City Council and School Board that you care about the children and want the City to include Sequoia in the budget for a crossing guard.

  3. When: On or before November 2, 1999, 12:00-1:30 pm

  4. Where: Education Partnership Committee Hearing
    • Oakland City Council
    • City Hall, Hearing Room 1
    • 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza
      on 14th Street between Broadway and Clay

  5. How:
    1. Testify at the Hearing

    2. Call the Committee Chairs
      City Councilor Larry Reid 238-7007
      School Board Member Noel Gallo 879-8665

    3. Fax the Committee Chairs
      Larry Reid 238-6910
      Noel Gallo 879-8000

    4. Write to the Committee Chairs
      • City Councilor Larry Reid
        Oakland City Council
        1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza
        Oakland, CA 94612
      • President Noel Gallo
        Oakland Board of Education
        1025 2nd Avenue
        Oakland, CA 94606

    5. Contact our local representatives
      on the City Council and School Board
      • Councilor Dick Spees
        Oakland City Council
        1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza
        Oakland, CA 94612
        phone 238-7004
        fax 238-6129
      • Board Member Jean Quan
        Oakland Board of Education
        1025 2nd Avenue
        Oakland, CA 94606
        phone 879-8664
        fax 879-8030

Background: The Police Department studied the traffic on Lincoln Avenue and determined that the location is hazardous and should have a crossing guard to prevent the injury or death of a child. However, the crossing guard budget is not adequate to meet the needs of all the schools citywide, and all of the crossing guards have already been assigned to other schools.

The Education Partnership Committee is made up of City Councilmembers Brunner, Chang, Nadel, and Reid, and School Board Members Gallo, Rice, and Siegel.

The full City Council will discuss the crossing guard program approximately two weeks after the committee hearing (Nov 16?).

For more information and to confirm the date and time of the hearing, which is subject to change, contact
Niccolo DeLuca
Office of Councilmember Dick Spees
Phone: 238-7042

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