
Dimond Message Board

Dimond Juice Bar
Shari Godinez
Janet Broughton
Lorraine Latorraca

Shari Godinez
The ice cream store has shut down again. I would like to see this turned into a Juice Bar with some ice cream and some frozen yogurt. I think a smoothy with an energy boost would be a great lunch or breakfast alternative to McDonalds. I would like to know what you out there in the Dimond Zone think.

Looking for feedback  

Janet Broughton
A juice bar/yoghurt store would certainly have my vote! I'd love to be able to get a not-too-calorific treat before or after a visit to the library or the park.  

Lorraine Latorraca
Whatever replaces the former ice cream store, I hope it is open during the days and hours when it might do business! My daughter and I often had the urge to walk down the street for an ice cream, only to discover the store was closed. It didn't stay open late during the daylight savings time months nor was it ever open on Sundays. How can a dessert store be closed on one of two weekend days and expect to survive?  

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