Hi folks,
My name is Nancy Strange, I am the administrator of the Lakeshore Business Association. Tim Chapman asked me about a survey we did in the fall of '95...so:In the fall of 1995, the Greater Mandana Action Coalition (GMAC) and the Lakeshore Business Association (LBA) conducted a survey of residents of the Lakeshore area in an effort to determine if the commercial district was meeting the needs of its neighbors. One hundred people were asked to complete a survey asking, among other questions, What types of businesses would you like to see and be willing to support with your shopping dollars on Lakeshore Avenue?
At the time of the questionnaire, most respondents answered that they frequent Lucky's Market (now Albertson's) more than any other store on the Avenue. The majority of respondents also stated that they would like to see and would support a good bakery, an "upscale restaurant," a bagel store such as Noah's, and a record or CD store.
Since that survey was completed, the residents of the neighborhood, working in conjunction with GMAC, LBA and the residents living within the Lakeshore Homes Association, have worked to fulfill the wishes of the respondents. Through business contacts, and grassroots efforts, the Lakeshore commercial district can now boast that it contains a NOAH'S BAGEL store, ARIZMENDI COOPERATIVE BAKERY, (one of the best and most popular bakeries in the city), a small used CD store, EARWITNESS, and a brand new, three star restaurant, MEZZE RESTAURANT AND BAR.
In an effort to continue this work, during last summer, we updated our survey. With the help of pollsters from Team Oakland, 133 people were surveyed on Lakeshore Avenue during shopping hours.
We publish the surveys in an effort to promote the development of Lakeshore Avenue in a way that corresponds to what neighborhood shoppers say they would support with their shopping dollars. It became clear from the survey that Lakeshore shoppers feel that Lakeshore is a healthy, vital, friendly and safe commercial district. The Lakeshore Business Association and
Business Improvement District is working to keep it that way!I hope this helps you. We were amazed at some of the interesting things that came out of the survey. After we knew what people wanted we told everyone in every neighborhood and business group to think of their favorite dinning and shopping spots and to ask owners if they were thinking of expanding or moving. We sent all of our friends to those that responded favorably and convinced them that we had a perfect place for them. There is a lot of hard work with landlords to make them keep in mind what is best for the area rather than the first person to offer cash.