
Interdepartmental Meeting 5/01

Councilmember Dick Spees convened a meeting of the Interdepartmental Working Group on May 14th at City Hall. The Working Group brings together City staff from many City agencies to report on solutions to problems identified by the Laurel, Dimond, and Redwood Heights neighborhoods.

Dimond Improvement Association members Mike Mannix and Jim Hill attended; below are some highlights of Mike's report on the meeting.

3537 Fruitvale (Ly Luck Restaurant): The owner has reapplied for facade improvement funds so that he can get the building painted. Construction on the rear storage building has not been completed, and the necessary permits have expired.

3631 Fruitvale: The City has not yet cited the owner for blight problems (issue has been on the Working Group list since 11/99.)

3621 Dimond: Owner of apartment building removed a tree and built a garbage enclosure in a public right of way, both without permits. City initially issued a stop-work order, then encouraged the owner to apply for an encroachment permit. Encroachment permit granted; status quo is now legal. Owner also remodeled one unit to create a windowless room, advertised as a fourth bedroom. City inquired; unit will now be advertised as three bedrooms.

3130 Fruitvale: Privately owned vacant billboard must be demolished. City has cited owner (John Busk) repeatedly; owner claims he hasn't received notices. Not clear what happens next.

3542 Dimond: CUP conditions include no parking in front of building, and landscaping to be installed in front. Conditions not fulfilled. City has talked with owner; no change so far.

3461, 3467, 3474, 3462, 3456 Boston; 2253 MacArthur; 3501-3505 Lincoln: Blight problems. City will investigate. (These are newly reported issues.)

Bank of America (Fruitvale and MacArthur): They have closed the front door of the bank; the only entry is now through the alley and through the back. C-31 zoning is intended to encourage pedestrian oriented store frontage. City will check whether the B of A changes require any sort of zoning permits.

3545 Fruitvale (St. Louis Vet): Metal box labeled Biohazard is taped together. The City will call the county about this. Landscaping has died, dumpster is overflowing, non-business-related cars park on the property: all violations of CUP. Owner will be cited.

3465 Fruitvale (Cybelle's): The City will add one more trash can at this corner. One reason a lot of our trash cans overflow is that people stuff their bagged trash into the receptacles. When the City hires more Litter Officers they can check these bags for addresses and cite the people who misuse public litter bins in this way.

2129 MacArthur: Store frontage being used for wholesale/storage. Owner claims he is moving this activity elsewhere.

2209 MacArthur: Signs for businesses next to the Wells Fargo parking lot require design review. City will notify owners. (Issue on list for 1 year.)

2028 MacArthur (Romano's Pizza): Service window in building façade may need a permit; owner will be notified. (Issue on list for 1 year.)

3400 block of Fruitvale: 4 storage containers in back of stores. Two have been removed.

3537 Fruitvale: Newsrack is chained to lamppost. CEDA has been notified.

Fruitvale/MacArthur: City funding was allocated for a project requested by the community, to widen the sidewalk on the southeast corner and move the bus stop from in front of Cybelle's to the widened area (next to the Wells Fargo ATMs). Wells Fargo Bank has nixed the plan, as it would interfere with their parking lot traffic circulation. The City will consider a smaller project that would involve some sidewalk improvements but no change to the bus stop.

Dimond/Bienati parking lot: Whole lot is now 4-hour parking, rather than 2.

End of Dimond Ave. at park: New "No Stopping" sign has been painted.

MacArthur and Boston: New speed limit signs installed.

2000 MacArthur: Plywood covers on sidewalk should be removed and sidewalk repaired. City will investigate.

Dimond Library: Community police have requested fence between library and St. Louis Vet to cut down on drug activity. City Council looking into possible funding ($2,000). (On the list since 7/99.)

Canon at MacArthur: Cars park in red zone; need parking enforcement. (On list since 4/00.)

Hillcrest Motel: Security Company sign gives a non-functioning phone number. Landscaping needs improvement. Police will continue surveillance and will begin checking registration information on a regular basis again.

Giant Burger: Grease runs across parking lot into storm drain. City has sent "Cease and Desist" order to owner.

Corner of Champion and MacArthur: Numerous vehicles stored on property; litter problems keep recurring. City will contact owner. (On the list since 3/99.)

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