
Dimond Message Board

Ann Hutcheson-Wilcox

Thank you to everyone who worked to create the new play structure at Dimond Park. My daughter, Charlotte loves it. We drove by often during the construction to see the progress.

My only concern is that when this project was first proposed, it was described as a "tot lot." The new structure is not a tot lot. The only remaining equipment for toddlers are the baby swings and sand lot. The new structure is almost too challenging for my three year old daughter.

When we first worked on this issue, my daughter was a toddler and I and other neighbors had no tot lot within walking distance, the closest being Jordan Park (Avenue Terrace) and Montclair. Dimond already had play structures for big kids at the other end of the park, near Dimond Ave and the fire truck.

Needless to say, the big kids love the new structure and it is great for the Dimond Rec program and after school programs. However, when the big kids arrive after school, they take over and my daughter is scared off the equipment.

There is still plenty of room between the swings and the new structure, may I hope that we could still add a tot lot, appropriate for age 1 to 3?

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