
Dimond Message Board

Funds for Dimond Park
Marie Potts
Lorraine Latorraca

Margie Potts
On October 12, there will be a meeting at 1PM of the Life Enrichment Committee. A key agenda item will be to decide what to do with a surplus to be allocated to various non-profit agencies.

Since Dimond Park did not make it on the Measure I list for Tot Lot improvements, it would be great if some of this surplus could be directed to The Friends of Oakland Parks and Recreation (a 501(c)(3) organization) for the Dimond Park Tot Lot Improvement Project. The Dimond Recreation Center Advisory Council is also working on raising money to replace the park's play equipment that is no longer up to code.

It would be helpful if you could show your support by faxing a letter to:
Mr. Antonio E. Acosta, Director
Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services
1520 Lakeside Drive
Oakland, CA
Fax # 238-2224

And CC:
City Manager Robert Bobb Fax # 238-2223

Councilmember Dick Spees Fax # 238-6129

Lorraine Latorraca
Thanks to the heads-up from Margie Potts, I faxed a letter to Antonio Acosta, Robert Bobb and Dick Spees urging their support at the October 12 Life Enrichment Committee meeting for funding improvements to the play area near the Lions Pool in Dimond Park. Is there a neighborhood committee working specifically on play area improvements? If so, whom should I contact to volunteer?

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