Dimond Message Board
- New neighbors harassed
- Chris Summers & Robert Weglinski
- Tim Chapman
- Janet Broughton
- Chris Summers & Robert Weglinski
Chris Summers & Robert Weglinsk
I wrote when we first moved in and built a fence around our property to keep people from cutting across Dimond via our lot to Fruitvale. We have had slats in the fence knocked out and broken, garbage thrown OVER the fence into our yard, dog feces deposited ON flowers, morning glory vines torn down, trash bins overturned and threats from people saying they will jump the fence and shoot us or kill us-alarm or no alarm.(This last several times).Most recently, we used "re-phalt" (recycled asphalt) to lay stepping stones in the median strip (city property) in front of our house, and we spent half a day planting hardy ground cover to make the area attractive, but friendly to foot traffic. We now have someone pulling up the stepping stones on a DAILY basis.
I'm confused-we lived in West Oakland for almost 10 years, and had occasional, mild vandalism (roses picked, dirt in the mailbox)-but nothing hateful-or threatening.
We tend to be peaceful-we say hello to people-we don't hassle the kids/passersby-we take pride in our property and want the Dimond to be nice. We aren't rich, we have a 20 year old wagon, and we can afford to refurbish the yard because we don't have children to support. I am beginning to hate being here.
Has anyone else encountered "negativity" like this? What did you do?
Dear Chris and Robert
I have sent your email on the vandalism toTraci McKnight, Beat 22X Neighborhood Services Coordinator Ann Nomura, Co-Chair of the DIA Janet Broughton, DIA Board member Peggy Lucas, Co-Chair of the Beat 22x NCPC I have left a message with Officer Mike Morse our community policing officer
We will work as a communityto stop this harassment. Janet Broughton
Dear Chris,
Your experience is not typical for this neighborhood. It sounds to me like there are a couple of people (or gangs or families) that are targetting you. Something like this happened a couple of years ago to the Montessori School. (And that problem got solved with police help.) I strongly suggest that you enlist the help of the Dimond beat cop and the Community Policing Neighborhood Services Co-ordinator. Your neighbor Mike Mannix knows the beat cop and could help you make that connection. The NSC is Traci Corcran; her phone is 535-5687, her e-mail address is tcrocran@pacbell.netI know I would be VERY upset if I were you. I hope you will hang in there until this problem gets licked. Please know that there's many, MANY people who like and appreciate what you are contributing to the neighborhood and who would be appalled to know what kind of bad treatment you're getting at the hands of a few jerks.
Keep us all posted on what is happening. This is a problem for all of us,as well as for you. Chris Summers & Robert Weglinsk
Tim-many thanks for your quick response to my posting on vandalism. I received a reply with Mike Morse's phone number and pager, and I will attend the NCPC meeting on 10-25. I know we aren't being "singled out" and I wanted to post something because I am sure other neighbors have or had similar problems, but were hesitant to say anything. I have found that being silent does not make things "go away."
Again, many thanks for the help!
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