
Dimond Message Board

Hello Dimond Message Board
Trish West
Toni Locke

Trish West
Hi, Dimond Residents!
I think your message board is just great--lively, friendly, and, above all, well used. I wish the comparable part of the RCPC web site would draw comparable comments, but for some reason it doesn't. Maybe it would be helpful for us if you guys took a look at ours ( and give us your opinion on whether or not it is user-friendly, i.e., would you use it the way you do the dia message board?

Toni Locke
Hi Tim and Dimond friends,
Your message board walks me right into the Dimond neighborhood. As MacArthur Metro editor I am always keeping an ear to the ground for news of the neighborhoods that support the paper, and you make it easy. I think a web site makes a wonderful complement to a monthly print paper. And you stay up to date! Congratulations.  

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