
Dimond Message Board

Leslie Ann Jones
Tim Chapman
Janet Broughton
Tim Chapman

Leslie Ann Jones
For 2 months now there has been no Dimond news column in the MacArthur Metro. Does anyone know why not?  

Tim Chapman
No one has volunteered to do it.  

Janet Broughton
Dear Leslie Ann,
Any chance that you or someone you know would be willing to write up some Dimond news for the Metro each month? I know that Toni Locke, the Metro editor, would be delighted to help you get started; so, I'm sure, would Karen Schroeder, who was our Dimond Metro correspondent for so long. As the person who puts out the Dimond Improvement Association newsletter, I can add that the new Metro correspondent would be free to use anything in the newsletter. Tim, is it fair to say the same about the web site? Anyhow, I do hope you or someone else reading this would be willing to give it a try. There are LOTS of people who would be very appreciative.  

Tim Chapman
The Dimond Community Network is about creating a Dimond neighborhood community. Let's do it!  

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