Dear Neighbors:

Recently CalTrans has said it will do a study lifting the 36-year old ban on truck traffic on I-580. The residents, your City Councilmembers and our state legislators are adamently opposed to this idea! I have written a resolution for the City Council to affirm our opposition to lifting the ban, and I am working with our state legislators to pressure CalTrans into abandoning the study.

Here's what you can do to help.

  1. Write letters telling CalTrans why trucks must
    not be allowed on I-580.
    Get your homeowners association to write a letter also.
    Here are the addresses:
    Mr. Jose Medina,
    Director of California Department of Transportation,
    1120 N Street, Sacramento, CA, 95814
    Mr. Harry Yahata,
    Region #4 Director of CalTrans,
    111 Grand Avenue, Oakland, CA, 94612
  2. Send a copy of your letter to our state legislators.
    Tell them how much you appreciate
    their help in stopping this study.
    Send a copy of your letter to me also
    Here are the addresses:
    State Senator Don Perata,
    1515 Clay Street, Suite 2202, Oakland, CA 94612
    Email: Senator.Perata@sen.ca.gov
    Assembly member Audie Bock,
    1515 Clay Street, Suite 2204, Oakland, CA 94612
    Phone: 510.286-1670
    Fax      510. 286-1888
    Assembly Member Dion Aroner,
    918 Parker Street, Berkeley CA 94710
    Phone: 510.540.3660
    Email: Dion.Aroner@assembly.ca.gov

Attend the City Council meeting on May 11, 1999, when I will present the resolution opposing the study and opposing lifting the truck ban. The City Council meets at 7:00pm at City Hall, One Frank Ogawa Plaza. Parking is available in the Clay Street garage behind City Hall. We need to make a strong showing.

Attend the City Council's Public Works committee meeting on June 1, at 1:00pm when the committee will discuss other strategies to fight the proposal.

Watch our website for updates, notices of press conferences etc.

If you have some suggestions, please let me know.

Thank you for your concern and let's keep I-580 closed to large trucks.

Dick Spees
Councilmember, District 4

    Here are some of the reasons why I-580
    should remain closed to trucks:
  1. Trucks have never been allowed in this corridor. MacArthur Boulevard, the state highway prior to 580 construction, was closed to trucks, dating from 1951. Since its construction in 1964, I-580 has never been open to truck traffic.
  2. There are few destinations or originations for trucks along 580. 580 runs primarily through residential neighborhoods, and the additional noise and pollution from truck traffic is unacceptable to residents. We have a commitment to those who purchased property along 580 in reliance on the truck ban
  3. There are other alternatives that CalTrans should study to relieve congestion on I880, including designated truck lanes, increased speed limits during off-peak hours, reduced speed limits during peak hours, establishing a truck stop in Oakland to reduce traffic from empty loads, widening of Route 238 to ease that bottleneck, etc.
