World Federalist Books

The Anatomy of Peace by Emery Reves, Harper & Brothers, 1945/46, 1995 special reprint

Published around the end of World War II, The Anatomy of Peace explained why addiction to the outmoded concept of sovereignty and one's nation-state above all else and the related failure of the League of Nations would not end wars under a re-tooled League, the United Nations. This instantaneous best seller that turned on tens of thousands to world federalism has been translated into 20 languages. Read this exciting masterpiece and see how today, over fifty years later, the book is as timely as when it was first written.

"Sovereignty would continue to reside in the people. To transfer certain aspects of our sovereign rights from national legislative, judiciary and executive bodies to create , apply, and execute law for the regulation of human relationships in the international field is not 'surrender ' but acquisition."

Our special Price $8 (incl. handling & shipping), 293 pages, paperback

Journey to a Governed World by Lucile Green, Ph.D., The Uniquest Foundation, 1992

In this collection of essays, articles and lectures. Green, a World Federalist from Northern California, recounts her fifty-year journey to a governed world starting from China, where she was the daughter of missionaries. It is the chronicle of on dedicated individual striving against impossible odds to make a difference by changing the way people think about world problems. She brings unique insight, flavored by her background in Eastern philosophy, to issues such as disarmament, environmental preservation, the role of women, and especially matters of world organization. Each essay remains fresh and timely -- an important guide to the traveler still searching for a more rational way to manage this planet.
From forward by Benjamin B. Ferencz, Nuremberg war crimes prosecutor

list $9.95, our special price $8.00 (handling and shipping included) 157 pages, paperback

One Shining Moment by  Gilbert Jonas, iUniverse Inc., 2000

A short history of the American Student World Federalist Movement 1942-1953
The Student Federalists pressed their elders and contemporaries to consider the establishment of a world government based on the same organizing principles that guided their own nation's Founding Fathers more than a century-and-a-half earlier. Led by war veterans, college students, and high schoolers, the Student Federalists quickly grew to include some 10,000 card-carrying members among almost three hundred campus and high school chapters. They became the most vibrant and intellectually challenging campus cause of their time, attracting an unprecedented array of distinguished adult speakers, and producing a wide variety of future leaders in academia, international aid and public affairs. This is the fascinating story, recounted by Gil Jonas, head of the NY Metropolitan Chapter of WFA, documents the rise and fall of a unique American student movement against the backdrop of cataclysmic world events.

list $23.95, our special price$ 22.00 (incl. handling & shipping ), 280 pages, paperback

PlanetHood by  Benjamin B. Ferencz and Ken Keyes, Jr., Loveline Books, 2d.-ed. 1991.

The human race today faces extinction. There's the fast way with nuclear war, or the slow way by environmental ruin of our planet. PlanetHood is unique. It explains how both problems can be solved by a single, practical solution, how to replace the law of force with the force of law, create prosperity, rescue our environment -- and give ourselves and our children a great future.

"This is a do-it-yourself manual. The future of yourself and your family is too important  to  leave to anyone else. It's time to give up hoping others will do the job for you. You can make your life count as one of the Founding Mothers -- or Fathers -- of  a new world system that ensures permanent  peace and plenty on a sustainable Planet Earth."

$ 3.00 (incl. handling & shipping ), 196 pages, paperback

Survival Meetings by  Richard V. Carter, iUniverse Inc., 2000

Highlights of The World Government Movement, 1947 To 1952 A Personal Journey
Many veterans came back from World War II determined to find a way to prevent another war. They and thousands of others around the world launched the world government movement, energized by two main themes: save the world from nuclear annihilation, and transform the United Nations from an assembly of independent sovereign nations into a true government of, by, and for the people. Gradually the former gave way to a more urgent cause: to help create a world community as a basis for democratic world governance.

In the end the movement did not realize its dream. The closest it came was the creation, by a stellar committee at the University of Chicago, of a Draft Constitution for the World, a document of international law and a challenge to the UN charter.

The effort made believers of teachers and preachers, businesspeople and politicians, and the most prominent atomic scientists who had created the nemesis of the bomb. And it made a responsible world citizen out of the author, a World Federalist living in Northern California. This is a very prejudiced account of a few of the people and events in this new search for world order.

$24.00 (incl. handling & shipping ), 270 pages, paperback

World Federation?: A Critical Analysis of Federal World Government 
by Ronald J. Glossop, McFarland Co. Inc., 1993.

The pros and cons of a democratic federal world government are carefully reasoned here, as are the basic concepts of such a federation, and the relationship of law and government. The analysis of the author, who is currently VP of WFA, brings one to the conclusion that a global federation is inevitable despite the many obstacles.

"As is the case of the 'true believers' of any philosophy, many proponents of a world democratic government display an element of Utopianism. Serious thought gives way to sloganeering. Ronald Glossop is an exception. A dedicated World Federalist, Glossop demonstrates his devotion to the cause is the result of thorough analysis of all points of view, which he presents in this book with unusual fairness and accuracy. His work belongs in the library of every student of international relations, regardless of the reader's viewpoint.

It's an extremely well-balanced book. With a word change here or there, Chapter 5 could even be distributed by critics of world  federalism - and it's unusual to run across that much understanding of one's critics, not to mention stating the positions of one's critics in a fair and thoughtful manner." -- Michael S. McGuire

list $ 33, our special price $ 25 (incl. handling & shipping ), 245 pages hardcover plus 1999 Update supplement.


Please make checks payable to:
WFA of Northern California
55 New Montgomery St., Suite 225
San Francisco, California 94105-3421   U.S.A.

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