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9K illustration, fireweed in bloom

About Fireweed by Amy R.

Title Note:  Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) is a wildflower with clusters of deep pink, terminal-spike blossoms, native to northern North America.  It is part of the restorative ecosystem that naturally thrives in areas devastated by fire and other disasters.  Thus, after "Ashes to Ashes" . . . "Fireweed."

Story Note:  PG-13.  This Forever Knight fanfiction draws especially on the characters and situations of the episodes "Be My Valentine" by D. Cary and "Ashes to Ashes" by P. Bedard and L. Lalonde.  Please note that "Nicolas" designates the French pronunciation, distinct from the English "Nicholas."  Comprehensive disclaimers, citations and credits appear at the bottom of the story's index page.

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