What services do we provide?
At our Men's STD Clinic at the Berkeley Free Clinic, we provide
the following services to all men. All services are confidential
and free.
- Education about all STDs, including HIV, and about safer sex
and condoms
- Routine screening for syphilis, gonorrhea, and nonspecific
or nongonoccocal urethritis (NSU/NGU) in the absence of symptoms
- Testing for syphilis when symptoms (for example, a chancre,
sore, or rash) are present
- Testing for gonorrhea and NSU/NGU when symptoms (for example,
a discharge from the penis or burning when you pee) are present
- Testing and treatment of clients who have known contact with
gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, or Trichomonas vaginalis
- Testing for herpes when sores are present. We do not prescribe
acyclovir for herpes.
- Diagnosis of genital and anal warts on the basis of appearance
and treatment with BCA and/or histofreezing
- Diagnosis of molluscum contagiosum on the basis of appearance
and treatment with BCA
- Diagnosis and treatment of pubic lice (crabs) on the basis
of finding a louse or nit (egg)
- Diagnosis and treatment of scabies based on the characteristic
appearance of the rash and the history
We have a handout available on request that contains information
about these STDs and HIV.
Note: For us to treat STDs that have been diagnosed elsewhere,
we must repeat tests.
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