How can I help?

To contribute to the work of the GMHC, you can:


Volunteer to be a medic (the person who sees clients), paper worker, lab worker, or staff physician. The only qualifications are that you must be interested in helping other people, and you must be a gay or bisexual man. We can train you to do lab work or paper work at any time. We have trainings for medics twice a year. Contact the GMHC for information on the next training. Click here to find out how to contact us.

Contribute money or equipment!

You can send tax-deductable donation checks made out to the Berkeley Community Health Project to our address. Put GMHC on the envelope or check so that we get credit for the fundraising. Donations support all activities of the Berkeley Free Clinic. The Berkeley Free Clinic now has an endowment fund if you want to contribute a large sum of money. We also accept donations of equipment, for example medical equipment or supplies, medical office equipment, or computer equipment. Call us to see if we can use what you have.

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