For the most current information on Berkeley Free Clinic events, follow this link to the Action Without Borders Website and enter 'Berkeley Free Clinic' in the search field".
Bay Area Progressive Directory/Calendar lists over a thousand Progressive Bay Area groups and updated lists of events.
Center for Disease Control provides a lot of health information and prevention.
United Way gives a directory of affiliated groups such as BOSS.
Bay Area Sex Workers Advocacy Network provides information about sex workers rights and issues including health-related.
Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic Homepage
HealthWrights is a non-profit organization committed to advancing the health, basic rights, social equality, and self-determination of disadvantaged persons and groups.
Planned Parenthood has lots of information on reproductive health and abortion issues.
Physicians for a National Health Program is a single issue organization advocating a universal, comprehensive single-payer national health care program.
Harm Reduction Coalition (HRC) is a nonprofit organization committed to local, regional, and national harm reduction education, interventions and community organizing.
The International Harm Reduction Assocation is an international professional association for individuals and organisations concerned with the development of drug policies to reduce the harmful consequences of drug use and current drug policies.