
By Inga


Did I ever tell you about my roommate, Axa? Wellllll what a time that was. You know me in college, quite the one willing to experience much of anything. This roommate definitely goes down in my book of experiences. I was looking for someone to share a cottage with me for a school year. I wasn't picky, and since I get along better with men, I thought for sure I would have a male roommate. I hung a few index cards at the student union and at Alfalfa's, and friends recommended other friends. I really had to narrow down the possibilities, and was close to picking between two guys who I sort of already knew. One day, someone knocked on the door. It was 6 in the morning. I am an early riser, but don't usually expect company at that time. I opened the door. There stood Axa. She was about 5'5", short dark spiky hair, full soft red lips, dark brown eyes, sharp high cheekbones, full firm breasts (no bra... a white muscle shirt) and a rather athletic looking body. She just stood there for a minute and looked at me. I looked at her. I couldn't look away. She finally said carelessly in her husky low voice, "'ll do".

With that she pushed by me, walked in and sat at my small wooden table. She slammed down one of the index cards I had posted.

Now, I am a confident person. I usually do what I want, say what I want, don't let people manipulate me, etc. I am usually strong. Instead, this time, I croaked, (in the high voice that I get when I am nervous) "I am?"

She said, "yeah, you'll suit me for a roomie. When can I move in?"

I won't go into length about the rest of the conversation. It was a blur anyway. Somehow, we made a deal, and she moved in that afternoon. She had a way, from that morning on, of taking control. It was eerie. Sort of hypnotic. She really had me weak at the knees.

Now I love my men. Always have. I appreciate females, even find some more attractive than others. I enjoy even looking at nude females. But I love men, and am attracted to men. Not women.

Except for Axa. She became my life for those eerie few months. She would float through my dreams. She would always appear just when I was thinking of her.

I had a group of friends that I hung out with, and a man I was just starting to develop a relationship with. That was just before Axa. All of a sudden, I was only wanting to spend time with her. I was confused. I wasn't sure why I wanted to be around her all day. Night. To see her, to smell her presence.

You may wonder, "So What?" Here's the weird part. Axa would bring men home. Lots of men. All types. Usually sexy in some way or another. She would have them sit on the couch and have a beer or wine, then she would pass a joint around. The first time, I started to leave, thinking she wanted to be alone with her man. She wouldn't let me. Every time, I was there also. It would seem normal at first, as we all sat around and sipped beer or wine, smoked, listened to music. Then Axa would slowly remove her clothes. She was so sensual. I was always transfixed (you can bet the guy was too). She would walk around, then ease up to us. She would sometimes rub her breasts into my face. I always just sat there. I don't remember why, but I could never move. It is like in that game, freeze tag, where you have to freeze. It was like she put a spell on me, not allowing me to move, or talk, or leave...or anything. The man would usually start signs of interest. Sometimes they were rednecky idiots guffawing and acting all rodeo like. Some would whistle to her like they would to a dog. Some would leer at me and tell me to strip. Some would start stripping themselves and start moving their pelvis in undulating grinding waves. Looking back, I know that Axa hated them all. It was me she loved. As her way of showing it was to not touch, or let them touch me. She would only have me watch.

She would start yelling and ordering them about. Some assholes would sort of laugh and say, "HeeHee, whoooeeey, yur gonna let me have it aren't you? Come over here, gurl, and dominate me like a wicked lil gurl should!" They shouldn't have said anything.

Axa would shove them to the ground, while yelling at them. The rest sort of went like this, "Get down you fucker, let me tie you up." the men would let her tie them spread eagle to the futon. "Ok you asswipe, get harder for me. Impale me you fuck! Take your fucking cock and shove it harder up me. Harder you asshole!" She would be mounted on him by now , riding him fiercely. whenever one would reach to fondle a breast or something, she would punch him in the face. Sometimes she would punch him anyway. She would yell at them, ending up with screaming and spitting in their faces. Some would loose their erection and she would humiliate them, others seemed to get off more on it. Either way, they didn't know yet how much she hated them.

If they were still hard, she would move so that they were in her anus. She would take them long and deep. Most men would by then loose it, and grunt and moan and jerk and cum. After that , she would give a wicked hateful grin and start shitting all over them. I don't know what that girl ate to get the amount of shit that she got. Maybe she took laxatives. She would just push and grunt and laugh and scream like a banshee. Most guys would get a look of horror and she would start masturbating and rubbing the shit all over her crotch area, while humping it still all over the men. Then she would act like she was still riding them, with the poop in between them. by then some of the men would be in tears or moaning. Others would curse at her and try to buck and get out of the ropes. All the time she would punch them and pummel their faces black and blue and sometimes bloody. At the end, they all seemed to have poo and blood all over them. I would just sit there. I couldn't move.

If the guys weren't hard so that she could butt fuck them, she would just push out all of the shit anyway. either way, the guys looked the same at the end.

One guy. Only one guy. He, at the end, asked her if he could come over again. Oh how she must have hated him. He must have hated himself. She almost twisted his penis off. Really. She almost took it right off of him. I stopped her. That was the only time I moved.

After the scene, Axa would throw the guy's clothes outside, untie him, and give him a kick and shove out the door. some tried to fight back. She had a baseball bat by the door. Used it a few times. They always eventually left, most of them running immediately away.

Axa would clean up the room go take a long shower and bath, then come to me and rub my shoulders and neck. We would usually fall asleep curled up together. Still in our clothes.

Axa disappeared. Her stuff did, too. One day I came home, and she was gone. I don't know if she simply moved on, or if someone came back to get her. She was just gone. All I have are the memories of beautiful Axa. Those nights, night after night. I wonder now why I didn't ever touch her. Would she have been the same to me as with those guys? I think not.

Axa loved me. She really did. I loved Axa too.

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