Brown Betty

By Zippy

The tiny wrinkles and craters in my cheeks spread smooth as my ass pressed heavily against the cool porcelain. Some one observing from inside would have seen a triangular beam of light passing through the gap between my hairy thighs, casting a distorted silhouette of my dong against the back of the bowl. It would look like a black and white photograph of a bald man in a wheel chair turned upside down with big drops of mysterious liquid shooting into the darkness.

I knew it was going to be a special day, but I would have never guessed, that I was soon to create such beauty.

The labor was not typical -- no pushing or moaning, no grunting. I sat there for a while, just contemplating, just waiting for the moment to come.

She came along, slow and sure, like a mighty freight train pumping up a steep grade. But this was effortless. My puckered door gaped wide as she began to slide out. Inch by inch her slick, ebony form shot into the water making perfect little circles which rippled out and reflected off the bowl. Minutes later, when she was completely free, I jumped up, and after a deep exhale, took in the full power of her scent. It was so strong that I nearly fainted, but instead found within the sensation a kind of peace and oneness with the world. Upon opening my eyes, I could see the top of her head sticking out of the water. The tapering of her head was consummate, her body, a fat, grainy cylinder that would rival the biggest black porn-stud.

I had so much joy in me, such pleasure at the extraordinary beauty of my creation. Like an eager child at a birthday party bobbing for apples, I plunged my head down into the bowl and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. She was so sweet... Brown Betty.

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