
By Gary


It must be a form of repressed memory. But it's coming back to me in swells and shreds. I didn't realize that we grew up so near each other.

It started before I entered 4th grade. I must have been 8 or 9. She lived in our neighborhood. Like you say, she was single, nice lady, a bit odd. She began to befriend my friends as we rode our bikes along the sidewalk. A couple of cookies, warm smiles, very idylic.

My room had low windows. (As I grew older, these windows were used for sneaking out and pot dealing). One warm evening she appeared at my window. For some reason, I can't recall her name. Edie comes to mind, but I'm not sure (do you remember?). She told me that she was making macaroni and cheese, especially for me. She also said that she had something special for me.

Now this scares me, as I have young children now, but I blindly and obediently crawled out of my window and went with her. It was a short walk to her home. We didn't walk in the street, though, we walked behind the houses and through vacant lots.

When I arrived at her home, I was greeted with a barage of smells and sights. She, indeed had a large pot of macaroni and cheese waiting for me. In addition, she had a large room in her home, filled with every imaginable play-doh accessory. She brought out five containers of purple play-doh. Each container held a lump of play-doh of different consistancys. She asked me to make her a play-doh dinner. I began to use the play-doh toys to make long strands of play-doh spaghetti. I had trouble getting some of the play-doh through the small holes, as the play-doh was not it's usual even consistancy. There appeared to be chunks, and strings mixed in the play-doh. I used some of the more watery play-doh to make play-doh soup for her.

Needless to say she was very pleased with my creations. This exchange of play-doh meals for macaroni and cheese went on for some time. I'm guessing it went on for some five or six weeks.

One night, she did't appear at my window, but I longed for my friend Edie (I think that's her name) and some macaroni and cheese. So I climbed out of my window and made my way through the yards to her home. I was ready to knock when I heard cries and screams coming from her living room. I climbed a near-by tree to look in and the sight that I saw horrified me. In a row were four of the local teenage boys, naked, chained to training potties. They were being fed cabbage, milk of magnesia, and dark black coffee. Even in the tree, I could smell poopoo. Edie was a changed women. My sweet warm lady friend was transformed into a crazed lunatic. I watched in horror as she screamed attrocious obscenities at the poor boys, inploring them to "FILL YOUR POTTIES IF YOU EVER WANT TO LEAVE".

She kept darting into the kitchen. I needed to see what was happening in there. I made my way to her kitchen window. There I saw a sight that will never leave me again. My friend Edie was guzzling, slirping, devouring, mountains of purple play-doh food that I had made. But it wasn't play-doh. Oh no. Nearby was 5 bowls of poop. I watched as she added purple food coloring and stirred, giggling uncontrolably. Then she caught my eye. She saw me peering through the window.

I turned and ran. She never came to my window again. I haven't thought of these events for over twenty years.

I share this with you in the hopes of healing some very painful wounds.

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