The Enigma

By Gary

I gave birth to an enigma last week. A poop shaped like a question mark. It literally was. It seemed to ask me, why. And I couldn't answer. It was a microcosm of life itself. I loved that poop - with all my heart. I picked it up out of the toilet. I wanted to save it. When I lifted it to by breast to hug it, it became mis-shapen. It seemed to get angry at me. It growled and let out a stench, a warning stench, like a skunk would. A defensive move, like a porcupine's quills. It resisted my attempt at love. It pushed me back, but like the foolish heart that I am, I am still in love. I replaced in the toilet, and with a tear in my eye, I said goodbye, and sent it on it's way.

I do believe it loved me too, and I do believe that it will return to me.

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