His & Hers Poop

by Stoney

Were you one of those children, who, when you went to school you were determined not to poop at school? You went through the day holding it and moving around so the poop would stay put?

I taught for seven years and have changed many diapers and cleaned up many accidents, but this incident has never left my mind.

I had a three year old boy named Roy. He was a gentle, shy and quiet child but because of his big sister, often compared boy's things to girl's.

At our school, we had two toilets and one urinal. Roy would always pee in the urinal.He was a "big boy". Poop? No. Never at school. He wouldn't touch a toilet either because that is where the girls peed and everyone pooped.

One day, during transition time, I noticed Roy in the bathroom and because of the noise, I couldn't really hear what he was saying. I was helping put on jackets for the children who were going outside and directing some children to the nap room. A couple of minutes later, I looked in on Roy and saw he was standing with his back to the urinal. I thought it was odd but when I saw his face, I realized he was struggling to poop! In the urinal-standing up! I dropped what I was doing and in a calm voice told him he needed to poop in the toilet. He started to panic. I told him I would move him over to the toilet. He started to cry. Without saying anything else, I quickly picked him up and moved him over.

I thought I had gotten in him time and didn't have to clean anything up. When I turned around, I was horrified to see there was a trail of poop from the urinal to the toilet. When I looked into the urinal, there was poop everywhere. Cleaning the floor would be a breeze. How was I going to get the poop out of the urinal? There was a lot of it and it was too big to flush.

When Roy finished washing his hands and I was done cleaning the floor, I triple layered the rubber gloves and picked up the poop out of the urinal. I tried to block out what I was actually doing but it was hard because some of the poop would slither out of my hands and I would have to pick it up again. After I cleaned the poopie urinal and flushed the poop down the toilet, I washed my hands about five times and joined the rest of the children for nap time.

The lesson Roy taught me that day...There is a place for everything. But only one place for poop!

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