Maraschino Cherries

by Inga

Howdy. La la la. what a great summery day. I know I haven't written for awhile. I have been so busy. sooo busy. so busy. so... Okay!Okay! So they threw me in the nut house for awhile. It was a total misunderstanding. All I could think of was that people were waiting to hear about the porta potty kids. I only wanted to write about them.... but then I would sit at the computer and start writing about the next story and I would always wake up elsewhere. I'm told that I snapped. Haha heh heh snapped? Not meeee. I felt a little sorry for the kids, but not that bad. This is the real world. so everyone has a little setback or another. No big deal. It's not like they all died or anything.. Really. The sooner kids realize that they need to be careful and never get mixed up in a situation like this one, they will be better off.

Well, do you want to hear about the 4,5,6,7,8,9 porta potties? (we have to go back to potty number 3 at the end. I will skip it for now.)

Well the nice lady had somehow gotten three of the high school cheerleaders into one porta stall. How the hell could she do that? I don't know. No one does.

The girls were in white and purple short pleated skirts with skimpy half-tank tops with the school motif on top. They were yelling and cursing loudly. They thought they were tough. Maybe that is because they were all together. Well, the nice lady opened the door with a big sudden bang. It swung out all the way and hit the booth. Now remember...the nice lady had Coon's dried poop and semen all over her. (and in her..). She started sort of marching and gyrating around in a circle in front of the potty. She had a huge silly smile on her face. She kept doing weird dances around and around in a circle. The cheerleaders just stared for a minute. They then started yelling obscenities at the woman. She just kept grinning. The girls wouldn't let up and were getting pissed. They were trying to pull at the roped that bound them to each other, but each pull from one girl's rope hurt one of the other girls too much.

The Nice lady put her hands to her ears and Shouted, "Shut Up!". The girls didn't. The nice lady started walking fast in a circle with her hands to her ears, saying over and over, "shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up". She walked faster and faster, all hunched over, but with straight legs.

Finally, she ran away...really fast. She ran all the way up to her house, seemed to struggle with two black boxes. She set one on each railing on each of the two sides on her deck. She ran back inside, then out again with blaring music. She ran back down to the porta potties and started dancing again. Sort of gyrating to German beer garden music.

One of the cheerleaders started to cry. The music played on for the entire night. The lady fell asleep in a heap in the center of the circle, now apparent by the worn grooves in the dirt, in a circle shape. In the morning...a hot dry morning, she woke up. The girls had fallen asleep. An occasional moan from a porta potty would sound. The nice lady ran to the house.

The Chinese folk music reverberated from one porta potty to the next. The Lady came galloping back to the potties. The dried poop was cracking on her body. She would pause to scratch every few seconds. She especially scratched in between her legs. She would always bring her fingers up to sniff them.

Once she started chewing on her nail.

One of the girls woke up and saw the nice lady just standing there scratching herself, swaying oh so slightly, staring at them with wide eyes and a lopsided grin on her face. Her body had cracks in the shell surface every where. Except her breasts. The cheerleader looked her up and down, then quickly to her chest. The nice lady added some decorations to her body last time she ran inside.

On top of each nipple, was a maraschino cherry. They were held in place with scotch tape, tightly wound over and over around her upper torso. The tape always was on top of itself. The cherries looked like they would burst.

The girl simpered. She tried to non-obtrusively wake the other two up.

The nice lady smiled, slowly turned, slightly stuck her butt out, and wagged it slowly back and forth as she sexily looked over her shoulder. There was stuck a red maraschino cherry, standing out like neon against the dull dried poop background.

The girl started screaming and the lady started giggling. The Chinese folk music blared on. The other two cheerleaders woke up and they all started frantically pulling each other's ropes.

The nice lady put on her best sexy smile and started chanting:

Ooooh ohhhh I am so hot
Ooooh ohhhh hot you're not
Give me a P.
Give me an O.
Give me an O.
Give me a P.
Poopy, Poopy, all for me
Poopy, Poopy, can't you see?
No one can get away from me!

The girls started crying. The nice lady screamed that she didn't want their sissy prissy stuck-up slutty cheerleader poop. She had enough of her own. As she yelled that, she went into a half-standing crouch. She pushed out a pile of poo. It had the consistency of wet catfood. The girls looked really grossed out. The lady started throwing clods of her poop on their nice fresh uniforms.

"Sluts" "Whores!" "I don't want your poo you bags of silicon! You will have to have mine! Annnnd you are going to watch everything I do. Finally some one will watch me!"

The nice lady took the rest of the poop pile and started smearing it onto her abdomen. Over and over she did a letter 'P'. The wet poo stood out shiny and dark compared to the dried cracked poo on the rest of her body. All over her body, were small smears of wet poo, where the nice lady had to scratch herself. She still scratched every few minutes.

She bent over and picked up the maraschino cherry that fell out of her butt crack when she pooed. She stuck it back, halfway into the crack. The stem was still on it. It was sticking straight out.

The lady did some more dancing around and around in her circle. This time she did it cheerleader-style. Finally, she dashed back up to the house and when she came back out, some new age style chanting music was on. She was lightly singing along, skipping every other step, swinging her arms, one of which had gripped in her hand, her trusty wusty Rambo knife.

The girls went into a whole new round of screams when she came, nonchalantly swinging the knife as if it were the handle to a basket of apples.

Needless to say, she didn't have to threaten the girls too much before they cooperated. Hysteric cooperation. But they were terrified. They had to do it. They could have been sliced up to death.

One by one, the girls did what the nice lady told them. As the lady held the knife at one girl's neck, The girl in the middle had to rub that girl's nipples. The last girl had to eat one of the maraschino cherries. First the nice lady would remove it...The left breast first...then rub it around and around, tracing the letter P on her abdomen. Then she would rub it around and around her areola.

Then... then the poor girl had to suck it out of the nice lady's hand and eat it. One by one the three girls had to do it... the last cherry from the butt-crack.

After the girls did that, the lady unwedged herself from the door opening. The girls were packed in there so tight that they couldn't even bend over.

The nice lady sauntered away. leaving the door open. She waggled her butt a bit. She looked over her shoulder and gave another sexy smile. Then she got a frown on her face as it turned red. Clenched fists, she bent slightly over. She pushed. Pop! another cherry came out of her butt. She reached back and caught it as it popped out. She must have put an extra on in for herself.

She looked back over her shoulder, sucked oh so invitingly on the cherry, then popped it in her mouth. She never looked at the three cheerleader girls again.

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