Inga's Little Poop Story

By Inga

...As I sat typing E-mail on this a few minutes ago, I had a whiff of gas escape my buttocks. I wanted to continue typing, so I ignored it. Another whiff seeped out of the tight puckered hole and I felt a rumble in my tummy. I decided to give the gas a chance over the toilet. When I finally got there, a whoosh of gas flew out in pretty colors. I was shocked, for as the gas swirled about the bathroom, music played. It was pretty tinkling and bells and fairy-like music. I was so engrossed in the colors and tunes that I barely noticed new music that sounded far away. It sort of echoed and sounded like it came from deep within a cave. All of a sudden, the tinkling music forgotten, I heard shouts and yells coming from within my butt. I tried to make out the shouts, but bugles started blaring. Introductions of sorts were being made and looking back, I think the shouts were introducing the arrival of someone... or ...something. I heard what sounded like marching, but the sensation that swept my bowels distracted me. I heard a trumpet and shouts in unison, "All out...! All in line...!" Then with a powerful body-wracking force and a gigantic noise, a huge stream of putty colored poop came out of my body. It kept going and at this time the cymbals were clashing , the drums beating, the horns blowing, and yells and screams and shouts of laughter and sobbing all came with the stream of putty colored poop. The poop kept going and going, I was afraid that the bowl would fill up and overflow, pushing me off with it. It started changing colors, (I could see it between my legs when I peeked down), and went from putty to yellow to brown to black. It started getting thinner and thinner. I was exhausted and couldn't move. All of the music and voices were gone except for a far away echo-like sobbing. Someone was still crying. It was probably her poop that everyone let escape. I crawled back to the computer so that I could share this marvelous experience with someone. Now, I must go and mop off my body and this chair. bye.

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