Inga's Other Poop Story

by Inga

On this lovely spring day, I have a sad story to share with you, and I can't say that I'm proud of doing so on such a fine day. There was a woman named Bonnie. She had bright blonde hair, white teeth, blue eyes with a semi-vacant look, and a cheerleader's outfit. She was the most popular girl in school among those who cared. When she graduated from high school, she married her highschool sweetheart named Todd.

All of Bonnie's life she heard what beautiful blue eyes she had. She knew that they were the greatest. She only wore blue clothes so that they looked bluer. Right after the wedding, when they both should have been so happy, the unfortunate happened. To make a long part of this story short, Todd fell for a spicy brunette chick with beautiful big brown eyes. Yes, he ran off with her and no one ever heard from him again. the end. of that part anyway.

Bonnie discovered that she was pregnant. Her life became the baby-to-be. She would talk to her stomach about how pretty the baby would look... just like her. Then Bonnie would get this wierd look in her eyes... "maybe..." she thought, "I am not perfect looking after all!" She spent hours in front of the mirror trying to decide what would make her look better. When she finally decided, she had to think about how she could make her baby look better.

The baby was born successfully, and was a healthy beautiful girl with blue eyes. Bonnie looked at the blue eyes, started crying, and knew what she had to do.

When she got home from the hospital, she decided that the color of the baby's eyes had to change. If she has brown eyes, no one will run away from her in the future, like Todd did to Bonnie.

Bonnie doctored the baby up. As the baby screamed and cryed, Bonnie told her in a sing-song voice that it is for her own good.

Bonnie took the baby for a walk. An old lady peered into the stroller with a smile, which froze and turned into a shriek. What she saw was a crying baby with what appeared to be poop coming out of her eyes. The old lady ran away. Bonnie bent down to re-adjust things. "There, there, baby. You are crying the poop out. Here, let me help you put it back." Bonnie patted the poop back into the baby's eyes.

"Oh, what lovely brown eyes you have, sweetheart!"

From that day on, Bonnie would save a small bit of her poop whenever she could. She started to get good at just sticking her finger into her butt and scooping a bit out. She grew her finger nail very long so that it would help her scoop the poop. She wouldn't go poop when she needed to, in fear that there wouldn't be any more. She would only allow herself to go a little at a time. She would stock pile the poop in the fridge, in the freezer, in the basement, and in the garage. Soon she had lots of flies for pets. Bonnie was no longer lonely with her fly friends and her baby.

Every week, Bonnie would clean the baby's eyes with fresh water, so that she could see if the eye color had yet changed. The baby no longer cryed, as it got used to the poop treatment. Bonnie would pack poop in the baby's eyes, then cradle her in her arms and sing her songs of beautiful people with brown eyes.

Bonnie was such a good mom. She fed the baby well, and quit her job so that she could play all the time with the baby. And, of course, she had to be there for the ministering of the eye poop packs. Bonnie sewed all of the baby's clothes out of brown material, to bring out her eye color.

It was such a perfect life. The baby loved her mommy so. Bonnie was sure that the true eye color was taking on a brown hue from the poop treatment. She had poop to last her for the rest of the year, clothes and food to last for quiet a while. Life was good.

Well, as real life goes, when life is good, watch out. It can never stay blissful. When bonnie had her baby in her backpack one day, she was window shopping in the pedestrian village. The baby had sunglasses on so as to keep the poop in place. The baby was cooing and giggling and kicking her feet. There were birds singing, bells ringing, flies swarming. The sun shone hot and soothing. Bonnie stopped at a window and casually looked in.

She gasped. A strangled cry came out of her throat. She saw Todd. He was with another woman. Bonnie pushed her way frantically into the store to get closer and make sure. She ran in, and ran up to Todd and the woman. The woman had a big straw had and sunglasses on. Bonnie ran up to them and yelled, "Todd, I knew you would come back! Meet your beautiful brown-eyed little baby!"
The woman that he was with lifted her brows in question. She looked to Todd, removed her glasses and looked back at Bonnie and the baby. She had tendrils of beautiful red hair coming out of her hat. Her eyes were a beautiful sea-green.
Bonnie choked-spluttered-gagged.

"But Todd, this woman has green eyes. I thought you liked brown eyes!"

Todd told his date, "I don't know this woman, she seems crazy!" Todd and his date left a crumpled moaning sobbing Bonnie on the floor. The baby kept cooing.

At this time, Bonnie is rocking on her heels in a mental hospital. No one knows where the baby dissappeared to. Some think that a nice couple took the baby home to raise in a normal family. There are rumors that a 2nd grader was sent home the other day for scooping some poop out of her butt and smearing it in her eyes... but that may just be a rumor.

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