The Doctor

by Inga

Hi! I haven't written to you in quite awhile. I hope all is going well.
Things are going well here. Spring is coming, work is still crazy. Work
is actually very crazy. I am pretty stressed with my recent deadlines.
Whenever I am stressed, I get pains in my sides. Well, I have the
recurrent pains now, and I thought I would be a smart girl and get them
checked out. You know that my mother died young with colon cancer. It
makes me always aware of every pain. One would think that our family
being specialists in this whole field of poo, we wouldn't succumb to the
diseased world of it. Well it is a sad thing.

I thought I would share with you my recent visit to the doctor. Just in
case you ever have the need to visit your internist, though you may not
want to visit one like mine. I was quite shocked. I try to keep an open
mind about people. I am a firm believer that there are very different
types of people out there, and that is all there is to it.

Well, after filling in new insurance information on the form on the
clipboard, I was led to the room that I was examined two years prior. I
felt a little happy that it was the same room. When you have to talk to a
person about what is going on deep within one of your private orifices,
you sort of appreciate any little thing that can offer you comfort. Like
getting the same room as last time. I read once that very troubled young
children start getting back to normal once introduced to routine. I felt
like I was comfortable with the room since I had already been there once.
I also tried to remember my doctor's face. It had been two years, and he
looks like very many doctors in his years and gender. Slightly graying
hair, glasses, slight, to normal frame and height, low gentle voice. I
always trusted this doctor. He is not really the holistic type, but not
overly westernized in his ways. He is just a good ol internist. Very
normal. Routine. hahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahha. That was last

This time, my doctor came in the room. I took a good look at him, and
remembered everything about him. Just as I wrote above. He came in
with a nurse who wrote down what I told them. I had been having pains in
the areas of my large intestines. I have been very healthy in terms of
eating and exercise. I drink lots of water. No real weight fluctuation.
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah. The nurse was about to leave. My doctor
lowered his glasses, grinned, and told the nurse to send in Nurse Lucy.
The other nurse left, the doctor kept his glasses low on his nose, turned,
and grinned at me. Hmmmm. Wierd sort of grin. Oh well.

I sat there, looked at the room, made small talk. He grinned and nodded
his head and slowly moved his thumb around the bubble thing of the blood
pressure taker.

Door opened. Nurse Lucy entered. Big woman. Very big. Very pale
translucent skin that jiggled with her flesh when she moved. Even when
she talked, her flesh jiggled. I couldn't stop staring at her. She had
very few and very pale eyelashes. It looked like she plucked her eyebrows
all off. Her eyes were a watery light, light pale blue. Slightly
crossed. She had small pimples all over her skin. Do you ever notice
lots of red dots on a female's legs (calves) sometimes? Well that happens
when a woman shaves when she is cold and has goose bumps. That is what her
fleshy arms looked like.

She also had droopy breasts. I always expect a large fat woman's breasts
to be large also. Hers were small. And droopy. Disappointing. (wow!
was that a socialized thing for me to say or what?)

She was a meek and mild sort, right from the start. My doctor just looked
at her and grinned. She reminded me of some of the historical Chinese
literature I have read. Every time she smiled, she covered her mouth like
a good Chinese girl should. She also always looked at her feet when she

Her greasy mousy fine hair was coming out of its bun.

All of my observations sound like I was in there for hours. I wasn't. I
just feel like I had do describe Nurse Lucy to you. She isn't a strong
sort. It makes what follows make more sense.

My doctor told her to close the door. She locked it. hmmmmm. Then she
sunk into a corner of the room, covered her mouth with her hand, and
seemed to smile while her slightly crossed eyes looked at her toes.
Throughout the time, she would steal glances up at the doctor, grin more,
then look at her feet. That is all she did. (except for providing
assistance when he asked her to) Until she left.

HE, on the other hand, did a lot more. We were supposed to be discussing
whether I needed another flexible sigmoidoscopy or not (camera up the
butt, onto a colonic documentary...whatever you want to
call it).

He took the blood pressure device off of the wall, and I started making my
arm available. He giggled. He started unbuttoning his pants with one hand
while his thumb and forefinger of the other hand kept fondling the bubble
thing of the device. I could only silently watch, my arm still stuck out.
When I could tear my eyes away from his hand on the bubble thing, I
noticed that his pants and underpants were around his ankles. I remember
noticing a faint brown streak in the center of his white underpants. He
started giggling louder. I raised my eyes to his crotch (natural
reaction?) which was covered by his white shirt. He giggled. "Nurse
Lucy?" He called. She was already by his side before I knew it. She had
the bubble thing of the blood pressure machine in her hand. He bent over
and she stuck it in his butt. I couldn't believe it. He seemed so
conservative. I can only think that the reason why I just sat there and
watched was that I was so amazed, AND that they weren't doing anything to

They can do anything to themselves, as long as I'm not involved.

He looked at me (Lucy was back in the corner with her hand over her
mouth), and started wiggling his skinny hips back and forth. I looked
down and noticed that he is one of those people who wear trouser socks and
pulls them all the way up his shins. They were navy blue.

Anyway, he said, "It's time to take your bloooood pressureeeee" with
that, he swung his butt in front of me and waggled it to and fro. He
started squeezing off and on, and made the little mercury thing on the
device on the wall go up and down. He started groaning and giggling. He
took the arm pad thing that goes around your arm and tried to velcro it
around his small soft waggly penis.

It, of course, was way too big. He said "Darn, doesn't fit" and tried to
put it around his neck instead. Then he gave up and started squeezing the
bubble thing more with his butt and started groaning. His shirt started
to rise with his hardening penis. He started doing more hip rotations.

I was, at this time, slowly reaching for an item of my clothing. My plan
was to slowly get dressed - if they didn't notice.

He waggled around and around like a hula dancer. He yelled for Nurse
Lucy, and she ran to his side and shoved the bubble thing higher in his
butt. He let out little stupid weak little yelps. She ran to her corner.
He yelped and gyrated. She started sweating. He called her again, and
she took some sort of small stainless steel pan out of one of the drawers.
His yelps took on a new pitch, she held the pan under him. Then he came.
I thought it was the end. I only had my bra and sock put on by then. I

All was quiet. Lucy ran back to her corner. The pan was on the counter.
I thought I could maybe leave then.

My doctor ordered Nurse Lucy back. He bent over. She pulled the hose and
bubble thing back out of his butt. It made a pop when it came out. She
ran to her corner. He stood up, looked at me and grinned. I sat there
and stared at him. It was happening really fast. The bubble thing was
swinging back and forth along the wall. There was a brown arc-like streak
on the white wall.

The doctor stopped grinning and asked me some routine questions. He then
said that he wanted to perform an examination. I was ready to tell him
that I was going to leave instead, when he just sort of rolled his eyes,
giggled, and called for Nurse Lucy.

She ran to her side and bent over. He pulled her white dress up to her
hips. Her many layers of white sweaty butt jiggled. He took his
forefinger and thrust it up her butt. I saw her hand go to her mouth. He
pulled his finger out, then, while grunting, thrust two in her butt. Then
three. Four . His fist. She stayed there like a flesh statue. Hand on
her mouth. The doctor started thrusting harder, while poking two of his
other fingers up his own butt. He was sweating, grunting, squealing,
grinning, gritting his teeth, gyrating his pelvis.

His penis was partially hard. It was weird. I looked at it and it
appeared that only the first half was hard. The second half drooped over
the hard part. As he gyrated, the droopy soft part of his penis went up
and down at rocket speed.

The nurse remained in her position.

I had my shirt and pants on. I was reaching for my boots while still watching.

He let out very gentle soft moans by now. His fist was covered in dryish
looking poop. It smelled in the room. I was ready to leave. His moans
got higher and higher. I sensed the end. I had to stay to watch.

She started to have droplets of butt juice spray when he plunged his fist
in. His own anus was slightly brown and bloody. I made a mental note to
tell him that he should get a flex sig himself. Blood could mean colon
problems, or simply a cut.

I had to rip the paper off of the patient table thing. I wrapped myself
in it like a tent, and peeked out of a little hole. She was spurting more
and more butt pulp with each fist plunge. I had a meeting later that day
and didn't want to get any on me.

He was at a very high squeak level. He stopped plunging his fist in her.
Started rubbing his hand all over his chest (er.. his chest under the
white shirt.) Shirt now streaked.

She ran to her corner. Looked down. He grabbed for the pan (the one with
his semen in it) and gave even higher squeals. He dripped the semen from
the pan onto his half-hard penis, and started shooting poop out of his
butt. Big piles. Some of it caught on top of the rolling physician's
chair. He squealed and shuddered and pooped. The semen dripped off of
his penis onto the chair.

It got silent. He sank onto the chair (pants still around his ankle. I
never saw his shoes.).

He just sat there and breathed hard. Just sat there in the sticky goo.

Nurse Lucy also sat on the floor. The room shook from her weight. The
bubble thing started slightly swaying.

She put her hand to her mouth and started grinning again.

I decided it was truly time to leave.

I didn't pay them. I left. Some people are so weird.

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