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So on Monday morning, the UC / Mt. Zion team, whose care has been impressive, compassionate and expert so far, came through again, and removed the IV line ("PIC", or peripherally inserted catheter, which went from my arm up into a large vein under my collarbone) and the pump, at my request, and I began oral chemo by tablets instead. The company that maintains (or doesn't maintain) and markets this equipment will be getting its sharp earful of a letter sometime soon, most of all because we want them to know that they must treat the next person better, or lose their contract.
Meanwhile, oral chemo has proved to be pretty hard on my
digestion, and I've had some serious nausea, as well as
exhaustion and depression, though at this point -- halfway
through abdominal radiation, with three weeks to go -- it's but
one factor.
The bright bright spots included a wonderful visit to my workplace, the OCC, where I saw my dear co-workers, shared some holiday festivities, and received a great gift, a terrific San Francisco Fire Dept. baseball cap. I have decorated it with my cherished "IABFF" (International Association of Black Firefighters) pin, which I was given during my several years of joyful service to the San Francisco Black Firefighters Association as a member of the legal team that successfully litigated to racially integrate and de-sexegrate SFFD. I love my new cap, and I love that OCC staff! Also, Maureen and I went to a really beautiful holiday party at the home and amidst the family of one of my most important healers. Today I enjoyed a nice dogwalk at Pine Lake Park, with breakfast out afterward. (No, the dogs ate at home!) And Maureen's hugs get me through. I was and am thankful for the energy and bodily equilibrium to be able to do these things, and for all the love and care that came to me this week. Thank you!
December 8
This concludes Week #2 of my surviving the Double Whammy, pack-my-own chemo pumping away and radiation dates Monday through Friday. I'm honestly rather exhausted right now, but feeling proud of having gotten through 1/3 of the radiation as of Thursday. I also am having an awareness about this time in my life that's beginning to be helpful, namely, that these months of cancer treatment are not likely to be the same ones in which I write the Great North American Novel, scale Mt. McKinley, or even manage to log miles of dogwalking and hundreds of bird-spottings for the Cornell Lab of Ornithology backyard bird count. Much more probably, I will give my all to the #1 priority of getting well and beating cancer. And that will be okay. P.S. For those who've not yet gotten to see the Harry Potter movie -- it's a delight! My sister Helen, Maureen and I and our best friend Barbara saw it together a couple weeks ago, and had such fun. I even passed out jellybeans ("Bertie Botts' Every Flavor Beans") in the long waiting line before the film, to get into the spirit. No, none were grass-, earwax- or even slime-flavored; even so, most of the adults were righteously suspicious. Free candy from a balding crone? Those brave enough munched tangerine, lime, coconut and rootbeer jelly beans, and I smiled. December 1 One week of pack-my-own chemo and go-to-radiation-daily is down, and I have five more to go. Whew. Whew! Whew! The chemo instructions warn the patient against cutting, burning or bruising oneself -- (to lower risk of infection, of course) -- while the treatments themselves cut, burn and threaten to bruise. The great challenge for me this week was not to get too discouraged! I managed to heal significantly from a major abdominal surgery and to survive a month of traditional, non-portable chemo. This week, after the installation of an IV line (minor surgery, by any other name) and the first five radiation appointments, I felt wounded all over again. And the greatest challenge about feelings, I find, is to have them -- each and every one, nothing off limits -- but not move into any one feeling and plan to live there. Writing to you all now, I feel better, strengthened, and with my sense of humor intact. Ho ho ho!
Want to check out a photo of me and Maureen over Thanksgiving? November 21
Despite our good intentions to keep you all posted much sooner about Mary's progress, the weeks just got away from us. Here's an update, with wishes for a good holiday. From Mary ... Hi, everyone! Well, I got through "Round One" of chemotherapy over the past several weeks, with minimal suffering. Yes, "chemo sucks", and, yes, I'm getting a shorter-than-ever haircut today. Thankfully, chemotherapy has proved bearable for me so far. I have several more rounds of chemo to go, between 11/26/01 and 5/02/01, plus daily radiation Monday - Friday over the next six weeks, so I will be hoping and praying for continuing strength, courage and sense of humor to march through it all. Please know: your every good thought, wish and/or prayer helps me heal. Emails and other missives welcome, and check this webpage intermittently (i.e., every couple of weeks, thanks to my sweetheart Maureen) for news of my progress and adventure in getting well / modern medical care.
Take care and Happy Holidays!
November 5
Here's some information on the next phase of treatment for Mary that began on October 25. Mary has enrolled in a clinical trial for people with pancreatic cancer who (1) have had their tumor surgically removed ("a potentially curative resection") and (2) show no spread of the cancer to other organs ("no metastases"). The trial is studying two different courses of chemotherapy, interrupted in the middle by a combination of chemotherapy and radiation. The clinical trial is in "Phase III", meaning that the drug regimens have already been tested for safety and efficacy, and are now being compared. Of the two arms of the study, Mary was pleased to get into the one that uses a newer drug (gemcitabine or "Gemzar") with generally fewer miserable side effects than the older drug (fluorouracil or "5FU") used in the other arm of the study. During December and January, though, Mary will be getting 5FU because patients in both arms of the study receive this drug during the radiation phase of their treament. An aside on names: We think it's pretty amazing that pharmaceutical companies give chemotherapy drugs names like "FU". Yes, we know it's going to attack every fast-growing cell in your body, including your hair and white blood cells and stomach lining, but there's no need to rub it in!If this is the kind of thing you like to check out, you can get more information about the specifics of this clinical trial on the NIH website.
October 29 This is just a quick note to say that Mary is doing well. She has healed nicely from her surgery, and last week started a course of chemotherapy at UC, with the support of an excellent local acupuncturist / herbalist.
October 14 From Mary at home... Hi! and THANKS to everyone who's written, e-mailed, sent flowers, sent good will. I so appreciate each of you, and you'll be hearing from me personally as time, energy and my treatment schedule permit, over the next several months. I send out my love and gratitude to you, my family and friends. I've been making great progress, mending from the major abdominal surgery. I haven't missed my spleen (the injustices and tragedies of our World still evoke my splenetic qualities!) and my digestive system continues to perform beautifully with a dramatically downsized pancreas (a "pancreatini", for Italian-speakers). Yesterday I walked Benny and Melba all over Ft. Funston including the beach, and wore myself out. Overdoing it is part of getting well, for me. It looks like I'll be undergoing four to six months of chemotherapy, and some targeted radiation, between now and April '02. While I dread it all, I'm also entirely grateful that these options are feasible and available to me. I have a stronger-than-ever awareness that I am fortunate to be alive, and to have a fighting chance against this wicked pancreatic cancer. The great success of the surgery -- thank you, Dr. Jeff Norton and Drs. Dolan, Robinson and every other member of the surgical and follow-up team, and phenomenal nursing and support staff on 14 Long @ UCSF, for your superb care! -- and my post-surgery momentum give me Hope. I am fueled by love and care and patience and humor and perspective from Maureen C. Mason, our dawgs and parakeets, and every person who's helped us so much in this hard, hard time, most of all with your kind and compassionate thoughts and your generous actions. P.S. This is for those who can stand another "political" comment these days; all others feel free to skip:I'm also poignantly aware that I am healing in a World that is struggling to heal. It would be impossible not to be struck by the parallel -- or at least the nasty simultaneity -- of my cancer, of which Maureen and I became informed 9/7 and 9/10, and the attacks on (and by!) my brother and sister human beings on 9/11 in NY, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania. I feel a terrible grief for each life lost, and for all of the survivors' losses and pains, and for every person killed, wounded or harmed by hate crimes, acts of war, reactions of whatever sort since 9/11. The preciousness of Life and the crucialness of nonviolence as well as justice to bring Peace have never been more evident to me.
October 3 Bear with us: we are recuperating after Mary's successful surgery, and there will be more news in a few weeks. Meanwhile, feel free to continue sending her any messages you like via this website. It's been a real boost to us both--thanks!
September 25 Great news: Mary is going home tomorrow! We've been extraordinarily well-treated here at UC Medical Center, by doctors and nursing staff alike, but just can't wait to get home to our dogs Benny and Melba and a little more normal life. We didn't get a clear result from the tests on tissues taken during the surgery: it appears that the cancer did spread to a small number of lymph nodes (out of the many that were tested) before the tumor was removed, and Mary's doctors may recommend radiation for those specific sites as a follow-up treatment. We'll be consulting about next steps with the UC Cancer Center oncologists--as well as healers from other traditions--in two weeks or so, once Mary has completely recovered from her surgery. Mary insists on my adding: I love you, Maureen. I so appreciate your creating this website. It has been and is such a source of grace and healing to me. I shout from the rooftops, if anyone should ever have to go through anything as hard as this, to have a person like Maureen in your life makes it both bearable and worthwhile.
September 24 Yesterday Mary farted!! All over this ward, the abdominal surgery patients wait for this big moment, which means a patient's digestion is finally awake and working again, and the nurses and other staff practically open champagne bottles over it. It took five days (some of us were getting worried, and consulting the Harry Potter books which must have a Passigassius spell in there somewhere) but now Mary's on the home stretch! Many good things happen after the Big Fart. Because it means Mary can now swallow pills, the epidural morphine IV that numbs her torso and allows her to walk without pain (which gets the digestion going and fends off pnuemonia) will come out, and she'll be weaned over to oral painkillers. She can eat--slowly, gently--soft solid food. Once the epidural is gone, the catheter can come out (finally!), and one of the IVs. Fewer tubes, hooray! The other good news is that her pancreas--now just the head, as the body and tail were removed with the tumor--is doing a yeowoman's job: her blood sugar levels are within normal range so she's getting the insulin she needs. The pancreas also does a lot of other work for the digestion so we wait and see if Mary will need enzymes or other care in the aftermath of the pancreatic resection. We're also still anxiously awaiting the result of the pathology slides, tissue cells taken during surgery to ensure the cancer didn't spread. Later September 24 Everything after the Big Fart has gone better and more quickly than expected. Mary's eating, off the epidural and free of the (urinary) catheter. She had a hard time this afternoon and tonight as the doctors and nurses tried to find the right balance of oral pain meds that would work without making her naseous or too sleepy. Her spirits are excellent, and there's an--outside--chance that she might even be ready to go home tomorrow! Mary's progress has been excellent, and we hope this website has been a way for people to feel they're with her during her hospital stay. The days have been very full, with all the drain and dressing changes and walks that take more time to prepare for (unhook from the anti-thrombosis leg stockings and squeezer machine, manuever into a sitting position and stand, rearrange IVs and tubes for rolling, get a robe on around various tubes and put on nubbly stop-slip socks) and come back from (undo all those things plus do spirometer and coughing exercises, and maybe get a sponge bath--oops, no, up again for a real water not foam shampoo--damn if we're both not ready now for a nap!) than the walks themselves ... so it may well be that Mary will be home before she can take calls or get visitors. Meanwhile, she's really been enjoying reading the messages left at this website. Thanks!
September 23 Mary has been graduated to some clear liquids and appears to have beaten a nagging fever. Her digestive functions are not yet "on line", which is not unusual for a major abdominal surgery. The flowers, cards, art, messages and love that have come Mary's way--along with most excellent nursing care and follow-up from her surgeon--have kept her spirits up and sped her recovery, as you can tell from a recent photo. Her support team is already smuggling in tasty and nutritious vegetarian items for the day she can eat real food, which is not what any of us would call Hospital Jello.
We'll post here once Mary can start receiving phone calls or visitors at the hospital. Meanwhile, she has been enjoying hearing messages left at 415.239.4900 or sent from this website. Thanks!
September 21 Mary is being a great patient, doing the short walks (the "IV shuffle") and other exercises that promote healing with her usual friendliness and mental vigor. She's also been sitting up and playing the card game Netrunner with Maureen, and holding her own despite a morphine drip. The doctors have been working on getting a persistent fever down. Because "the accordions of my lungs have been in squeeze position", Mary's also been pulling breaths off her hookah/bong (also known as a spirometer) to get her lung capacity back, which--like walking--also helps reduce fever. After two full post-op days without water or food, she has also graduated to ... ice chips. Ahhh!
September 19: Mary's surgery has had an excellent outcome! The surgeon reported that he got the whole tumor out ("there were negative margins") and found no evidence of metastasis: "It didn't spread at all." There will be follow-up and more extensive testing of tissues removed during the surgery to confirm this over the next 3-5 days, but the tissues that were tested during the surgery all showed that cancer did not spread and the tumor was caught in time. As of the morning of September 19, Mary is talking and making the nursing staff laugh. She is still receiving a lot of (epidural) painkiller and will slowly be recovering her ability to drink and eat.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to the whole team who helped Mary and Maureen at the hospital, and all the individuals near and far who wished us well and prayed for a good outcome for this surgery. We are dancing in our hearts today! Friday, September 14 Mary's abdominal surgery takes place at UCSF Medical Center (Long/Moffit Hospital) on 505 Parnassus starting at 2:00 pm on Tuesday, September 18. The full surgery--including a laparoscopy to confirm the CT scan showing that her cancer has not spread--is expected to take 4-6 hours, after which Mary will spend up to several more hours in post-op care. The waiting room where people can wait during the surgery is on the 1st floor at 505 Parnassus. The patient location and information number there is 415.353.1664. Starting the night of September 18, Mary will be recovering from her surgery on the 14th floor of Long Hospital, and is expected to stay there for 7-10 days. We will update this website late Friday or early Saturday with news of the outcome of the surgery, and periodically thereafter. "We have received such an outpouring of support that we feel held up by a hammock made of the threads of all the people who know and love us".
![]() Mary's pancreatic cancer may have been caught in time to remove the tumor. We will find out Tuesday, September 18, when Mary is having surgery in two stages. One is to assure it hasn't spread, and two--if we're blessed, and the facts and our faith say we are--is to remove the tumor, "resect" (take out part of) the pancreas and remove Mary's spleen.The surgeon who reviewed Mary's CT scans and examined her was optimistic about the operability of her tumor, told her her liver looks "perfect" on the CT scan, and said the diagnosis was a "good pickup", especially for someone like Mary who feels strong and is otherwise in very good health. The laparoscopy is to examine Mary's liver for evidence of metastasis that did not show up on the CT scan. If her liver looks good, the full surgery includes pancreatic resection and removal of the spleen. September 18 is Rosh Hashana, and we hope mightily for a happy and healing new year, for Mary and for all who survived the terror of September 11. Wednesday, September 12 After weathering some doctors who were extremely negative about Mary's prospects--including saying that a two-week wait to see an oncologist would make no difference, conveying that the tumor was inoperable and there was no treatment, and suggesting that the location of the tumor made any attempted surgery extremely dangerous--we secured an appointment with an oncologist at UCSF Medical Center to talk about treatment, including possible surgery. We feel very hopeful and ready to assert ourselves. Wish us luck and persuasiveness!
Tuesday, September 11: On Friday Maureen and Mary learned that Mary has a malignant tumor in the body and tail of her pancreas. Two weeks before, neither of us knew where the pancreas was. Now we can say, we know where the pancreas is. Mary is scared but hopeful, and not in any pain. She is 16 years clean and sober, a child-abuse survivor and believes in love, faith and recovery. In the midst of this terrible day in the history of the world, with all its needless loss of life and infliction of terror, we humbly offer: all life is precious, all life is worth saving.
The Beginning: It started when Mary had some left-side pain in late May and later some severe but passing pain in her midsection. In the course of some doctor's appointments over the summer, she had tests to rule out an ovarian cyst and then a digestive condition her mother had, diverticulitis. On August 31, Mary had a CT scan and at the end of that same day was contacted by her doctor saying the radiologists "are seeing something in your pancreas". Over the Labor Day weekend, we held the FAX authorizing a biopsy, reading the words "mass in body and tail of pancreas, biopsy to rule out cancer", scaring ourselves with what we were reading on the Internet about pancreatic cancer and preparing to do everything we could (insurance authorizations, talking to the right doctors, carrying records from clinic to hospital, etc) to line up a biopsy as soon as possible. The fine-needle biopsy (huge-needle if it's you, and anyway there were 3-4 of them) took place on September 4, with Mary awake and squeezing Maureen's hand. It was tough. |