Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Thursday, April 19th, 2001 -

    Yes, it's been awhile since I last wrote here. I'd apologize, but I've been so busy with such good things that I just haven't had the time. Also, I don't know how to tell some of my stories these days, at least not in prose. My life has fallen into that delicious mid-world where poetry is the best way to convey meaning. It's a rather dramatic way to live, but since I'm leaning towards the *happy* right now, instead of the melodramatic, I'm not going to worry. I will live in the moment, explain it sideways in my poetry, and not worry about what the future may bring. There are too many things I have no control over, and if I spent time worrying about those, I would lose a chance to be very, very happy for awhile.

    Happiness is a fleeting emotion, that much I've learned. Contentment you can sustain over long periods of time, but happy, well, happy would exhaust us if we were nothing but happy all the time.

    ANYway, enough talking in circles! My sister has been in town, my little fairie, soul-mate sister, and we've been having a blast! She's staying at her ex-boyfriend, Justin's, for the next few days, so hopefully I'll have a chance to sit down over the next day or two and catch you up on some wonderful stories and snippets of conversation that we've been making. Tim gifted us with a lovely account of our weekend with him in Santa Cruz, so I recommend starting there. Tim has a great journal overall; some of his entries are powerful, some convey his sense of fun, some are just plain old well-written. It is one of my new favorites that I read everyday; give it a read.

    Hopefully I'll be talking to you all soon. Have a beautiful day!

Exercise log:

Lots of stuff, but most recently hiking in Muir woods followed by a yoga class with my seestor, Holly.

Writing log:

Finished the Beltane article and am currently spewing more poetry than I have for years and years.

I'm currently reading:

Zod Wallop by William Browning Spencer

My new PO Box is:

Heather Shaw
P.O. Box 13222
Berkeley, CA 94712-4222

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