Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Monday, August 16th, 1999 - Working the Morning Shift

Hm. Well, Christa is on vacation this week. The only way she could take a vacation this week was if I could come work her shift - from 6am to 2:30pm everyday. I am not a morning person.

However, I woke up (thanks, internal clock) 20minutes before my alarm went off (4:40am). I had managed to go to sleep earlyish last night after a nice pitch-in dinner with David. He had come over around 5pm last night and we spent an hour working in the garden before digging through the fridge for food. We ate a golden peach, green zebra and several early girl tomatoes with asiago cheese and green and purple basil. We had pesto and bread (very good together with a tomato) and some pasta. I cooked up a couple ears of corn apiece and we munched that like cows with hands (very primal feeling). It was a good meal.

Man, tangential. Anyhow, so I woke up early this morning. It's dark. It's quiet (except for the consistent mumblings from a neighbor's TV - did they leave that box on all night?). Hey, this is going to save me some sunscreen! I suddenly realize why Christa is always in long sleeves when the rest of us are in shorts and tanks. I have an exceptionally long period of time to get ready this morning. I don't worry about beating Sharon *or* Aron into the bathroom, because neither of them is rising for another 2 hours.

Outside, my garden smells fabulous, all tangy tomato and dew-sweet honeysuckle. It's as quiet as I've ever heard it - I can still hear the highway, but it's a low murmur (as opposed to the ambient, overwhelming RUMBLE it is all day, everyday). I have to stop and peek at the morning glories - 6 blooms today, all still firm and dark/bright blue (they seem to fade as they crumple later in the noontime sun). The peppers are snuggled safely under their rowcovers and I think I caught the tomato vines rustling as I walked out, though they're still now. David had cut them back severely when I was in Yosemite (and Mom gave me good advice not to rag on him about it, no matter how upset I's true, he can beat himself up better than I ever could) but I swear this past week they've been working double time to make up the difference. We have them in this mock-up cage made of large stakes and twine, and it seems to work. I wonder if cutting them back like that won't make them grow even more, causing even MORE weight on our precarious structure (both Sharon and Aron had tomato crashes and all their plants are now growing along the ground).

I get in my car (it's going to be smog-checked today after work - ah the joys of getting off at 2:30pm!) and start my drive to work. I have to turn my lights on. Then, I realize - there's no one on the streets!

This is what this drive would be like if it was in Indiana - no constant battle with traffic, no worries about merging or which lane you need to be in when to be able to make your turn. I actually noticed the poor road conditions along San Pablo (the right lane isn't as bumpy). I got to work in record time.

Hey, I might really like this shift.

I use my key to let myself in the building, picking up the Chronicle and the Wall Street Journal. I take the elevator up to the third floor. I unlock our suite.

Oh, yeah, the alarm.

Calmly, I walk over to the desk to find our code. I swear we hid it right here. Where is it? Oh, shit. Well, it has something to do with that one number....let's try...shit shit shit. Hm.

Ring Ring.

Yes, hello?

This is Protection One Alarm Service

Y'know, I'm not going to chronicle this, as a whole lot happened in such a small space of time. The alarm finally turned itself off, only to blare back on again as I slumped in relief into my chair (motion detectors). I got to get my boss out of bed at 6am because I didn't even know our code. I got to meet a nice policewoman who took my name to file under their "Dumbass" list.

Did I mention the alarm is REALLY LOUD?

Anyhow, it's all quiet here. Now. I'm usually not even awake at this time of the morning and I've already got an hour done at work. I'm totally awake. I still kinda like this. And I'm tatooing my hand with our alarm code for tomorrow.

I'm hoping to write an entry for Saturday. Check back and if that day is made into a link, you'll know I did. It was another jam-packed, emotional day, but it's not the same old stuff I've whined about before, so ...


It's so early, I may update here again, too. Who knows? If not, have a great day, dearies.

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