Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Sunday, August 29th, 1999 - Why Corn Man is my Hero
First, before I forget, I should tell you that I Did post an entry for yesterday.

Yesterday Corn took my bike over to his house to help me make it worthy of Burning Man. I had bought this great big umbrella that came with an attachment so you can attach it to your camping chair. I didn't buy the chair. I want it to ride above my bike, shading me as I peddle around Black Rock City (ie Burning Man).

When I told this to Corn, and asked if he could help, he said: "I've 20 years of experience making things work that were never meant to...sure, I'll help".

Have I mentioned what a MAN Corn Man is? Mmmmmm

I searched through bolts in his basement, trying to find the right size, while he figured out how to anchor a piece of wood to my bike to attach the umbrella to (it was too short otherwise and would've conked me on the head as I rode). We finally decided we needed more hose clamps, and some new bolts (well, Corn decided and I agreed with a smile). I took his truck (big pickup, hard to back out of driveway) to the hardware store and when I came back he had a piece of copper piping with one end hammered? melted? down so it fit the umbrella attachment. "The wood shattered."

Within 10 minutes he had the whole thing attached and I was up on his street, peddling around with a big black umbrella shading my face. We adjusted it so it shaded my entire head...that's about the best it's going to get without impairing my visibility. But it was sooooo cool! IS so cool. I just hope the winds at Burning Man don't pick me up like some modern Mary Poppins....heh.

But, really, it would've taken *me* all day and I still wouldn't have come up with such a simple working design. Corn even loaned me a tool so I can take it apart for travel, if needed. Corn Man is so cool....I wish I could pack him to bring to Burning Man.

Later David came over and helped me put up/check my tent. Then we ate a yummy Indian meal and I came home and...

...spent the rest of the night making a costume for my bike. I decided to make it "very me" and I now have Garden Bike! I covered the seat with this yellow fabric with blue sunflowers and ladybugs on it. Each bar of the frame has a different brightly patterned fabric covering it (velcro-ed on). I have butterfly fabric, frog fabric and dragonfly fabric in blues, greens and yellows. What frame you can see is orange, so it's all very colorful. I wrapped green flowered rickrack (Mom, I think this is from my childhood...something you made once?) around the grips and put a fabric daisy at the center of the covered handlebars. I have wire insects and fake flowers that I'll wire and/or duct tape to the handlebars, too. I want to find a basket really needs that to complete the bike. The umbrella I made into a parasol by stiching cream lace around the edge. Sharon wants me to put a pinwheel on top, but since I can remove the umbrella/parasol and walk around with it, I may not do that. But the overall effect is very gardeny and cute. Outrageous next to the somber mountain bikes my roommates own, but closer to mundane once it hits playa.

But, hey, it's my art project for Burning Man. And I thought I didn't have time....

So, for the next week I'll be on playa. That means no updates to this page until I return. (And a week without phones!) I'll try to keep a journal everyday I'm out there this year, and I'll type what I have in when I return. Yes, I'll be good about the sunscreen and yes, I'll drink lots of water (and salt to help retain it). Take care and I'll see you on the other side of Burning Man...

David to me last night: "It'll be interesting to see who comes back from Burning Man this year. I know it will change you."

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