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Sunday December 31st- New Hope for a New Year
My new PO Box is:

Heather Shaw
P.O. Box 13222
Berkeley, CA 94712-4222

I honestly don't know what to talk about, mainly because I have so much I want to say. I'm so happy to be here in the Bay Area where it's warm and I can go hiking without so much as a jacket (although I keep layering up and end up too hot). My health is surprisingly good (knock on wood), probably because of my diligence with the vitamins, hand-washing and reasonably nutritious eating; I have a feeling the consistent exercise of the past 7 months is finally strengthening my consititution, as I have successfully fought off several sinus/ear infections (my latest bug-a-boo) in the past two months. I didn't lose my steady 2 pounds this month, but considering I was in the fatty Midwest for almost two weeks (did you know Indiana is the "fattest" state?) eating more fried food than I thought my stomach could handle, I'm going to just be happy I didn't put on 5 instead.

So, yeah, physically I really can't bitch too much these days, which is a nice change from days of yore. But, really, that's not everything.

Actually, except for a crying jag from loneliness (my housemate is stuck back East), I've been doing pretty well the past couple of days. I've made my TO DO lists and have actually succeeded in working my way down them some ways. Last night I even scoured my kitchen so it's cleaner than it has been in years. And I cooked for myself (that lentil soup mix you gave me for Xmas, Mom, was tasty!). David came over later and we played my new game called "Merchant of Venus" which I won (mostly due to luck and the fact that David has not mastered this game yet), and we had a very enjoyable time. That's good - David is the one person who can turn me upside-down with an unthinking phrase. It's not all his fault, of course - we both have trigger words and knee-jerk reactions to each other that can start us down the spiral, although we're both getting slowly better at avoiding such situations.

Anyway, I'm thinking part of this is due to a new vitamin supplement I've been taking. I already took every night before bed:

  • a mutli-vitamin
  • St. John's Wort
  • a vitamin B complex
  • sometimes acidopholus (helps with digestion)
but recently I've added an Omega-3 fatty acid tablet. My mother, the eternal librarian, sent me an article about how recent research (it's always all about the recent research) has shown that we (as Americans, as Westerners) don't get enough Omega-3 fatty acids - that we have replaced this with Omega-6's, which aren't nearly as good. Omega-3's are from fish, and the Omega-6's are from other animal fats. Since I'd noticed what a happy rush I get after sushi, I decided to buy some gel capsules and give them a try. And, while I still have my ups and downs, I'm finding it increasingly more difficult to wallow in the downs like I used to. In fact, I can catch myself more easily when I start to react to something bad, check that knee-jerk emotion from running away with my senses, and react more rationally. And it doesn't feel like I'm drugged (which the Prozac did several years ago) - it just feels like I'm more balanced. And that's a great way to feel.

Ah, so this journal entry turned out to be a ramble on my health - both physical and mental. And it seems like I'm scoring a lot higher on both counts. :-) Tonight, instead of going out (which is hardly an option since I a) am so broke I can't afford a single beer, let alone champagne and b) have not been invited to any parties) I am going to sit at home and make a list of New Year's resolutions. Perhaps I'll post them here, but I might not. But I have more hope for my resolutions this year than any year previous, mainly because of all the good, basic things (above) that I have to build on. All I really need, I think, is a good wallop of self-motivation, and I will really start turning out greatness. I will.

Anyway, I have convinced myself I will enjoy tonight more if I stay at home and drink my own cheap champagne (part of the grocery bill and it cost as much as a single glass at a bar would) and work on my writing.

I really appreciate all of you reading this journal through my ups and downs. Your emails in times of trouble have helped so much. (Thanks for the holiday cards, too! Bg sent me a exquisitely painted hand-made card (with a very good ballet poem by his daughter) and Sherman sent a lovely holiday card with probably the sweetest note all season written inside. I was skipping after pulling these two out of my PO box yesterday - thank you.)

Have a safe, happy, and joyous New Year, friends.

Exercise log:

Lifted weights yesterday: legs - oof! Some of you may have noticed that I've been skipping legs for about 2 months now - mainly because it's the hardest thing I do - and I sure do feel it today! I also did a bunch of situps and walked to a bookstore, even though I have no money.

Writing log:

An article on Octavia Butler over at Strange Horizons

I'm currently reading:

Reading now:

The Forever War by Joe Haldeman

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Watcher's Guide by Christopher Golden and Nancy Holder

The Writer - Janurary 2001 (magazine)

Read over Xmas break:

To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis

Beloved by Toni Morrison

Still reading, off and on:

Woman: An Intimate Geography by Natalie Angier

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