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Tuesday, February 8th, 2000 - Neck Pain
Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I've been experiencing excruciating neck pain due to increased time spent hunched in front of a computer. My Unix class alone adds 10 hours a week to my computer time (6 hours of class and 4 hours of homework). I managed to get in to see the chiropractor this morning (not Dr. Steve, but his wife, Dr. Ann, who I found to be much more effective and twice as expensive), and that seemed to help. I'm also going to see Dr. Kathy, my acupuncturist, tomorrow morning. No, I can't really afford all this special treatment, especially since I haven't yet met my deductible for 2000, but I hurt so much I don't care. I couldn't even sleep very well last night, and I'm grumpy and tired today.

A couple of good things today:

  • the project I'm working on at work (a sorta tech-writing thing that got dumped on me with a RUSH! label near the end of last week) is almost done, and the person pushing for it is pleased. Good. I have to get here at 6:30am tomorrow to go over it in a conference call with our Germany office, but I also get to go home early as a result.
  • Dr. Ann is also into yoga, and she could tell me all sorts of things to keep in mind, and what postures not to do and all that. She's also much more into demonstrating how you should sleep and sit, which I found to be very reassuring. I sleep with pillows on either side of me, to support my arm when I'm on my side, which is correct, but I've been using the pillows under my head the wrong way. Nice thing about Dr. Ann is that she didn't make me feel like an idiot for doing things the wrong way; she condescends less than Dr. Steve. Bad thing about Dr. Ann is, of course, that she's so pricey. At least she's worth it.

So, right now I'm looking forward to doing a mild yoga class after work, and coming home to watch the new Buffy with my roommates. Simple, Tuesday pleasures.

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