Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Wednesday, February 16th, 2000 - Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
Sunday was a grey, rainy day. I usually love the rain, but the rain around here this past weekend was simply hellish. It was a constant, drenching, small rain, with lots of angles so you got wet no matter which way you held your umbrella or tilted your hood. The garden was sitting under 6 inches of water and the roads streamed with water rushing violently westward towards the Bay. It seemed like nothing manmade or in nature could handle the rain - it wouldn't be tamed.

I started my day all set to go work on homework. I checked my email first, though, and that pretty much broke my spirit for the rest of the "daylight" hours. In my email I found a rejection letter for an anthology that I dearly wanted to be included in. I was told I was in the final running for this anthology, though the chances were still hit and miss, but I still had my heart set on being included. I took this much worse than I do other rejections - I get rejected all the time, and I don't take it too personally. After reading that rejection I just took to my bed and sobbed for about 45 minutes, then I called David and cried some more. The tears suited the day just fine; maybe the rain was nicer to me because of my contribution. David was some help, though I wallowed in the "I should just give up writing anything at all" phase of being rejected most of the rest of the day. It doesn't help that I'm in this Unix class and have no time for writing anyway these days. Doesn't help at all.

It's getting to be the pattern on Sundays that I come over and make dinner at David's (so I can take the leftovers for lunch for the week) before we watch the Simpsons. This past Sunday I made goulash, which is my favorite camping food, and a great meal for a cold, miserable day like that one was. We ate dinner, watched the Simpsons (which was interupted for 3 minutes to report a flood warning in Sonoma county...sigh). Then David consented to let me lie with my head in his lap while he played with my hair (and make mock horror noises at my bright red scalp). That was so nice and cozy... We really have been getting along much better lately. Really.

The rest of the week has been par for the course. Class Monday night went better than I expected. Last night I did yoga, then I swung by David's to give him a dive sticker I picked up for him (he's all into scuba diving, and the sticker he had on his car when we met was ripped off by horrid, awful vandals not too long after I met him and I've always wanted to replace it, as it's a nice, simple little gift, y'know?). I rushed home to go watch Buffy, which was a pretty awful episode, unfortunately. Aron, Jen and I were predicting the plot as it went along, and it was one of those nights when we were not only right, but when we were wrong it was only because it was much worse than we had predicted. Buffy and Riley were all over the place emotionally, and I felt like the episode just didn't have enough focus. I'm hoping they were just laying some plot groundwork and will come through with something better written for next week....

Anyway, I should go home and rest before I have to run off to class again. I'll chat with y'all later....

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