Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Thurssday, February 24th, 2000 - Back to Work
Ahhh. It's amazing how good it feels to be back at work after being bored at home for so long. Not that I'd normally be bored at home, but when you're sick things just don't seem so exciting. I was tired of talking to the old nasty spider webs on the ceiling. I've issued an eviction notice to the spiders: I'm tearing down all old cobwebs in honor of spring cleaning. The spiders are encouraged to spin new ones, but I'm tired of the yellowing, sagging webs that occupy all 8 corners of my room (there's a beam halfway through my room that gives them more corners to spin from).

Hm, the title of this entry shouldn't be "Back to Work" it should be "Bored with Webs" I guess.

I'm still stuffed up, and I'm getting sympathy from the people calling our company. I sound funny. I hear funny. I probably look funny too. Somehow, I got comp tix to the Best American Erotica reading/release party tonight, but I'm not sure I'm up for it. It's a pity, but since it was news to me that I was expected to go in the first place, I don't feel too terribly bad for missing it due to illness. I really shouldn't go out in the rain any more than I have to right now. My lungs and head are full of mucus. Oh, joy.

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