Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Monday, February 12th, 2001 - I thought it only came in threes, not six-packs

When I told Robert, one of my temp agents, about the country music, his response was, "Oh, dear god!". Heh. So, today I start back at the accounting job I was working before the country music hell. This job has its downfalls - the wobby cafe chair, the strict, strict 10 minute breaks - but it also has things like Janine, who is at least flexible about hours, not to mention the location, which is right by Berkeley campus; lots of visual and mental and shopping stimulatoin around (not that I can afford to indulge that last one; when I need to shop these days in a bad way, I play the Sims and buy cool furniture and flooring for them - sigh).

There is snow in the Santa Cruz mountains today. It is currently 39 degrees (F), which is COLD for around here. And I was fighting off a cold and sore throat this weekend.

This weekend I felt like I was living in a three stooges show. Everything I tried to do ended up taking at least 3 times as long. The rest of this story will have to be told this evening, however - I'm running late for work (surprise, surprise!).

Ok, briefly because I can't stand to dwell on this anymore. Saturday I spent an hour with David, trying to jump my big old car with his little Celica. No go. During this time, my landlords roll their car into the street and the neighbors and I help try to pop start it by pushing. They call AAA, so do I. An hour later, I'm up and running. Carl (landlord) thinks I need a new battery. I drive around for awhile to make the charge stick.

Sunday I run errands. I go see "Save the Last Dance", which I liked. I get stuck in going-out-of-business Kmart for awhile, where, when my back is turned, my cart gets stolen (my stuff was strewn through the aisles). Which is just as well, as I didn't need all that junk anyway, but it did piss me off.

Shitty massage Monday night (see Tuesday's entry). I come home and hop in my car to move it to the other side (street-sweeping alternate days) and it won't start. Fuck.

This morning (Tuesday) I have to call AAA and my garage and perform some sort of car pas des deux to get it to the garage. Luckily, I take the bus to work these days.

Exercise log:


Writing log:

(See above)

I'm currently reading:

Unlocking the Air and other stories by Ursula K. LeGuin

Starlight 2 anthology edited by Patrick Nielsen Hayden

My new PO Box is:

Heather Shaw
P.O. Box 13222
Berkeley, CA 94712-4222

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