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Saturday, January 27th, 2001 - Birthday Week and Virtually Real

I keep meaning to write more here, but the mornings are just not a time when I have much, well, time lately. For some reason the work week consists of evenings when I have too much energy (and can't get to sleep early enough) followed by groggy mornings where all I want to do is linger in bed, sleeeeeeping. I loathe my job before I miss the bus (and I always seem to miss the bus - I understand it running late, but early? 5 minutes early? Unfair! Especially unfair when the one after the early bus is running late, making me an entire half an hour late for work. Grrr.), but after my morning latte, it doesn't seem so bad. I managed to workout twice this past week, and my body is feeling better because of that. I'm at that point now where I feel not right if I'm not working out regularly enough, which is sort of a drag but really makes it easier overall to pop into the gym now and again.

The birthday went ok - David went all out, trying to appease my birthday demands. I came home (and that was a day at work where it never seemed ok and I cried silently while cutting menu tickets and left early) to flowers on my desk. We went to Ichi's, where David announced my birthday and got me loads of creative salmon-and-avocado rolls (most of it for free; Ichi rocks). I was so touched by the way David treated me that night - he usually isn't one to speak up in public places, being something of a hermit, but he did it without complaint. So nice.

We went back to his place, where I opened gifts and digested fish. I got some Spanish language software and the game, The Sims, which has already sucked up too much time this week (I mean, these little people are yelling at me that they want a TV! Isn't that fancy bookcase good enough for you?) I also got a handheld tape recorder, which I keep forgetting to try, but am mighty excited about; I've already wished I had it with me on the bus, to capture the melody of different languages flowing around me.

David also made me a chocolate birthday cake (we either couldn't find or I don't have, an angel-food cake pan). Yummy.

Last night David came by and we played Merchant of Venus again - but this time I won (with a Scout, which is the ship you start out with before upgrading). That game is some skill and a lot of luck, I think - especially when you're playing someone as skilled as you are. But it was nice to win, of course, though are games are always close.

That's about it. I'm not going to put a to-do list up here because I lost all my computer-written to-do lists and the white board one is a sort of ongoing thing. I'm still trying to reset all the preferences on my computer, and I'm afraid to reinstall stuff like the software that drives my fancy logitech scroll mouse, mainly because I suspect everything of making my computer buggy. I'm having a birthday party tonight, and I woke up feeling crappy again (this after I healed in three days last weekend from a cold that, a year ago, would've knocked me out for a week straight - yay better health!). I think my illness today is partly a cold (from not sleeping enough this week to fight off the cold my boss's boss has been re-spreading through the office) and partly because I stayed up until 4am playing that fucking Sims game last night. I obviously like it, but it's just too engrossing. And it's a little sick - living other people's lives for them, worrying about their hygiene and hunger while ignoring my own. No Sims today! Today I clean my own house!

Exercise log:

Took the body sculpting class at the Y yesterday, where we worked our quads, hamstrings, calves, shoulders, chest and ab muscles. I was pleased to note that while I don't look like the thinnest, fittest girlie in the room, I could complete the shoulder exercises with 5lb weights while some buffer-looking women quit halfway through with 3lb weights. Did 20 minutes on the precor machine.

Writing log:

Was working on a new story when my computer crashed.

I'm currently reading:

Starlight 2 anthology edited by Patrick Nielsen Hayden

The Snake Machine Thingie (my working title) - 1st (rough) draft by Craig Foster-Parker
This is really very good for a first draft of a novel, although I want to make Craig read some of Butler's stuff so he has a sense of what's been done before (just a few things, overall, his work is very original).

My new PO Box is:

Heather Shaw
P.O. Box 13222
Berkeley, CA 94712-4222

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