Dear Diary . . . day by day

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Wednesday, June 7th - IlLUMINation, please
If you live in the Bay Area, check out Lumin's Debut at Venue 9 tonight. Jeff thinks it might sell out, so get there early!

I don't know what my deal is. I'm getting the kind of insomnia you get when you're 14 and you don't quite know what it is making you all bothered and awake, you just know that you are. I started a new personal journal last night and I decided to capture this youthful feeling by decorating my entry with stickers and multi-colored pen inks. And doodles. No, I didn't write "I love Steve Speedy" over and over again as I did in 8th grade; see, I just don't love Steve Speedy anymore (probably never really did). So sad.

So, anyway, I might type in last night's entry later, if it doesn't strike me as too embarrassing. I remember reading it over again and laughing, but I was pretty stir crazy by that time, so what do I know?

I'm trying to make all these life decisions and changes and I'm stagnating. I should get a new job. I should write something, anything dammit (I'm considering putting up a writing log between exercise and reading so the blank space will guilt me into doing something but I'm gonna wait until the writing class starts; I don't need the extra stress right now). I'm considering taking classes/getting certified eventually in Landscape Design (mainly because I love my garden so much and have this insatiable urge to buy plants and put them in the ground in pleasing configurations - I need more space! More land! Wait! I should get paid for this!). I'm almost definitely going to chop off about 12 inches of my hair in a week and a half (I'm working on creating a ritual out of the experience, which I may go into here as it becomes more concrete); don't worry, 12 inches less still means shoulder length for me :-) I should probably return that chair that I just bought to Ikea - it's too expensive for what it is, and I can't toss my legs over the arms while I'm reading, which is not good.

I've decided to go to the Ancient Ways Festival this Friday and Saturday by myself. I'm a little freaked, but I keep reminding myself how much I want to go dance around a good, pagan fire. It will actually be very good for me to go do this alone; I think it will strengthen me in so many ways. I'm busybusybusy the next few days, especially since I need to be packed up by the time I leave for work on Friday morning. But I've had plenty of home time lately; it's time to go OUT to have some fun.

Exercise log:

Lifted weights Monday night: Legs day, but then I went all nutso and did chest and triceps, too (two days in one!). I'm sore, especially in the legs.

Yoga Tuesday night. During my backbend, the instructor came by and asked if I wanted weight on me (he's done this before) and I said, "sure". He pressed his body weight into my hipbones and said, "I'm putting about 60 pounds at least on you right now; wow! you're so strong!" Glow, glow, glow :-)

I'm currently reading:

Foundation's Edge by Issac Asimov
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