Cafe Rambleflower

Sunday, June 16th 2002 - Drama Queens and Cake

So, this is a catch-up kind of entry.

A few weeks ago now Tim helped me put up curtains in the living room & dining room, and the house looks so cozy! I bought these curtain rods (which have neat fleur de lis' at the ends) at the Kmart going out of business sale/ war zone over a year ago, and it's nice to finally have them up. Our home is getting very homey, and I'm generally pleased with it.

Not so for Holly, my dear pregnant sister (and if you haven't read the last entry you ought to do so now), who positively freaked on me when I asked her to pay her part of the bills today. The fight that ensued was about the cleanliness of the house, which is not to her standards (standards which have risen dramatically with her pregnancy), and ended up with her SCREAMING at me and storming out of the house. Tim was as bewildered as I was.

About 10 minutes later a cop knocked on our door. Seems her screams freaked the neighbors "because it's usually so quiet" over here, and they called the cops. Great. I've never been so humilated (that's not true, but it was still horrible). The policeman was very sweet, asking me what happened between me and my sister, and I explained that she's all emotional and pregnant and . . . still, it was horrible. Holly came back a little later and apologized, and we've all calmed down and are getting along again, but for awhile there I didn't know if I'd ever speak to her again for bringing the cops to my door like that. She doesn't just yell (there's been plenty of yelling in the house over the years) but SCREAMS in a high-pitched fury that carries into the neighbors house. Jeez.


So, last night I went to Writer's with Drinks over at Cafe du Nord with Susan (and Tim, of course). Hosted by the lovely and charming Charles Anders, this is a monthly reading featuring 6 different writers. See Tim's entry for more details on who read, etc (yes, I'm being lazy; my computer just crashed for the fourth time tonight and this entry is taking WAY too long to write . . . ). Much fun and writerly joy. We went to a diner with a HUGE group of writers afterwards (where I got the best chocolate cake EVER - more like fudge than cake ). I even got asked to write a review of Charles' book, The Lazy Crossdresser for a rather big magazine (punk something-or-other; will put it in writing log once I know for sure/ remember), mainly because I wrote the best review of the book Charles has read (love the book, so it follows). Anyway, not sure if it pays, but the exposure is great, so I'm happy.

Hm, I'm sure there's other stuff I was going to write about, but I'm really afraid the computer will crash yet again and I want to go to bed, so have a good week, y'all!

Exercise Log:

Very tired, so I started lifting weights again on Saturday. Otherwise, the usual.

Writing log:

Sent "Wetting the Bed" to Realms after it came back from F&SF (where it got a personal rejection from Gordon instead of his assistant! Whoo!). Typed in about half of my Princess story today while sitting in a lovely, outdoor cafe in Berkeley. Ahh.

Current Publications:

In the Shade of You nominated in the long poem category for the Rhysling and will be reprinted in the 2002 Rhysling Anthology!

"How to Suck" reprinted in From Porn to Poetry: Clean Sheets Celebrates the Erotic Mind

I've been reading:

Currently Reading:

69 by Steven Schwartz

The Santa Cruz Comic News

Harmful to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex by Judith Levine

Skin Flutes & Velvet Gloves by Dr. Terri Hamilton

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