Cafe Rambleflower

Tuesday, June 10th, 2003 - Secret Single Behavior

This comic is just so funny. I dunno how many of you have seen the cat hats link that's been floating around; this comic is a logical extension of what those things mean to cats.

I wish I could have a cat. It could keep me company while Tim was away.

How has it been only two days? How can I stand another 5 days? Why is this day going so slowly?

I'm the most pathetic single person. I dunno if I was this pathetic previously, or if I've just lost my knack or what. Last night I went to the gym after work. That's all well and good. Then I came home, ate baby carrots and PB&J and watched that horrible IQ show on TV with my sister. Holly crashed and Tim finally called, saving me from the end of the show. He misses me, but it's harder on me, 'cause I don't have a fantastically fun vacation/ writing workshop in the mountains around Taos to distract me like he does. When he described the meal he had that night, I cried, I was so jealous (and hungry). No wonder I've gained weight living with Tim -- he cooks full meals for me, while on my own I only eat little bits here and there when I get too hungry to stand it. I'm trying to look on the bright side, though -- I'll probably have shrunk my stomach enough that by the time he gets back I'll only be able to eat smaller portions.

My mother keeps sending me these emails with cheery advice that sounds like a 1950's housewife's manual. "Now, don't cry at the airport -- send him off with a smile!" Tim would have been insulted if I hadn't cried at the airport, since he knows me well and knows how easily I cry (how would you feel if your fiancee cries at cheesy commercials but not when you're leaving her for a week?). She means well, though.

I've been spending more time online at night, since I'm both lonely and not having to fight Tim for the line. I feel like such a geek, though, posting in forums and checking back a few minutes later to see if anyone else has posted anything new. I suppose I should get one of themthere IM thingers and bug some of you, but I don't want to become tedious :-)

I could go out and do things, but I'm depressed and I don't want to, not really. I feel like I'm floating, unable to do anything productive at all. I even tried to write last night, but after staring at the screen for half an hour I decided to give up. Sad.

Ok, this journal entry has gone on long enough. I'll try to do something more interesting tonight, I swear.

For the love of god, say something!

Exercise Log:

Stretched and did 20 minutes on the treadmill last night. Ran three blocks when I got home, but that's a long, boring story.

Writing log:

Getting back to work on the YA Novel.

Words written since last entry: 0

Current Publications:

"Famishing" in Strange Horizons. My first pro sale!

"Wetting the Bed" and a collab with Tim Pratt, "A Serious Case of Fairies" in Floodwater

Currently Reading:

Everyone in Silico by Jim Munroe

Donate money to my teeth, our moving fund, our wedding fund, or our writerly projects (Floodwater and Flytrap!). Every little bit helps!

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